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"You did what??!!"

Applebuck rubbed his hooves. "Ah. Uhhh. Kinda told her I knew her."

"You weren't supposed to do that!" Twilight used her magic to pull Applebucks ear down to her level. She glared at him in the eyes. "I mean its okay. But telling her right away could cause disaster! Who knows what! It could mess up the timeline!"


"Just think of the possibilities!" Twilight let go of Applebucks ear. She paced back and forth while Applebuck rubbed his ear. "Who knows what could've happened."

"Ah think you're just over reacting, Twi."

"Am not!" Twilight's wings poofed up.

"Easy your puffiness!" Applebuck raised his hooves up in defense

"Hm" Twilight looked away. Her wings and fur calmed down. "Anyway. Main point is...Rarity thinks you're a jerk."

"Eeyup." Applebuck. "But once again. Your spell worked. Everypony knows meh as Applebuck. And Ah love it!"

Twilight gave a smile. "Of course it did."

"Whats with the flowers, anyway?" Twilight said,changing the subject.

"Well..uhhhh." Applebuck held the flowers in his hooves. He forgot he still had them.

"Hey guys!!" Pinkie suddenly popped up in between them, scaring both of them half to death. Pinkie grinned "what's up?"

"Nearly scaring us to death, Pinkie!!" Twilight said between gasps.

"Seriously, gal. " Applebuck said. "Somepony should put a bell on ya."

"My bad, you guys.. I'll wear one next time." Pinkie hugged both of them. Then she noticed the flowers. "Ooh. Pretty flowers. Who are they for, Applebuck?"

"Umm." Applebuck suddenly got an idea. She pushed the flowers into Twilight's hooves. "Twilight, here was about to give them to somepony."

"What?!! No!!" Twilight whispered.

"Do it!" Applebuck whispered back. "You won't regret it."

"Im going to kill you." Twilight glared.

"Psst. What are we talking about?" Pinkie asked, leaning into their bubble.

"Nothing. Just Twily here was about to do something." Applebuck nudged Twilight's shoulder and whispered. "Just do it."


"T-these are for you." Twilight handed the purple flowers to Pinkie.

"Whoa. Me really? How did you know that purple is my favorite color? Thank you Twilight!" Pinkie leaned in, gently giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Well, I better put these in water before they die. Ill be right back!!"

Pinkie bounced away.

"Twi?" Applebuck looked at Twilight who was frozen in place. He poked her. "Ya alright?"


"S-Stupid wings." Twilights face heated up as she tried to fold her wings with her hoofs, but they wouldn't fold she groaned. "Argh."

she noticed Applebuck grinning at her. Twilight growled "what?"

"Don't tell meh that ya didn't enjoy that." He smiled. "Ya welcome for the flowers by the way."

Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Just ask her twi." Applebuck said. "The worst that could happen is she'll no."

"But if she doesn't want to be friends with me anymore because I like her?" Twilight frowned.

"Hey now." Applebuck held a hoof on her shoulder. "Don't say that. Ah mean It's Pinkie Pie. She'll still want be your friend no matter what."

"Yeah, you're right." Twilight started to gain her courage. "I'll do it! I'll ask Pinkie!"

"Ask me what?"


"My bad. I forgot to get a bell." Pinkie giggled. "Anyway. What was it that you were going to ask me, Twily?"

"Well. Uh. Um" Twilight froze in her place. Applebuck nudged her. Twilight took a deep breath. "Pinkie Pie."

"That's ma name! Don't wear it out!" Pinkie laughed.


"What?" Pinkie giggled "Twily, you know I'm not good with your nerd words."

"No, Pinkie. That's not it." Twilight looked out Applebuck who gave her a encouraging nod. Twilight looked down at her hooves. "I meant. Would you like to go out on a date with me?"

"Sure, Twily!" Pinkie leaned in, giving her a tight hug. "You're ma best friend. Of course I'll go a friend date with you!"

Applebuck winced. Ouch. That's gotta hurt

"No Pinkie." Twilight pulled away from the hug but held Pinkie's hoofs with her own. "I meant. Go out on a real date. Like becoming more then just friends."

Pinkie's eyes widen. "More...then friends?"


Pinkie pulled her hoofs away. She turned her back towards them and shook her head. "No. That's...That's not right.."

Suddenly the mood changed


"I don't deserve you, Twily." She turned around and her eyes were filled with tears. It surprised both Twilight and Applebuck. They never seen her so upset. "You are my best friend and I like you too but, you deserve the world, everything. I.. I'm not that pony who can give you all that. I'm not the one who can make you happy."

Whoa. That was unexpected. Applebuck took a step back to give them space.

Twilight was caught off guard by Pinkie's response. It hurt that Pinkie thinks that she's not good enough.

"Pinkie." Twilight stepped forward, gripping Pinkie's hooves, they both sat up and looked into each other's eyes. "How can you say that? You can make me happy, I want to be with you."

"But why me?" Pinkie looked up into her eyes. "Why me out of all ponies? You're a princess, Twilight. I'm just a regular boring pony."

"No, you're not. You surprise me everyday Pinkie." Twilight tighten her grip. "Would you go out with me? I want you to be my marefriend. Please. I want to make this work."

Applebuck wished he brought tissues because this was too damn beautiful.

"Are you sure?" Pinkie asked. "Are you sure you want to be with me?"

"I'm sure." Twilight found herself slowing leaning in. She whispered softly. "So sure that I want to..."

"What?" Their muzzles were just inches apart.

"Kiss you."

"Then do it." Pinkie whispered. She gazed at her lips. She waited for this moment.

"I...I don't know how...I've never kissed somepony before."

Applebuck face plamed.

Way to ruin the mood Twilight.

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