Chapter 11 - Escape

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Night took one long look at the instructions for escape. This was it. Life or death. Well, not really, because Lotor let her wander everywhere.

She pressed the open button for the door, and it slid open with a hydraulic whoosh. Night took one step out into the open. A map popped up on her armor, telling her to go left. According to Pidge, the route would lead her safely to an escape route.

She was lead through the twisting hallways that all looked the same. The same, purple-lit hallways, with metal floors and pillars at every few feet or so. Night reached a small room, where the door was locked. Her map beeped.

Night held up the map, squinting.

Why did Pidge have to make the writing so small?

The map beeped again, telling her to press her hand against the keypad. She did.

A scanner light passed through her, and it let her in.

It must be my Galra blood.

Night's dagger and bayard sat on a single table in the center of the room.

Wait, what if it's a trap?

She placed her hand on the table, just to check. Nothing happened. Night pushed her bayard to the left. Nothing. She picked it up. Nothing, still. She grabbed both of her weapons. No alarms sounded, no guns shot her down. She turned out of the room and ran straight into a sentry.

Night yelled in surprise. The sentry raised his gun, but Night stabbed him with Cygnus and had to drag the body behind the table.

Can't let them know I'm here.

The night continued on, feeling a bit more confident now that she had both her weapons.

Her map turned red, alerting her that this was the more dangerous part of the mission.

Here we go.

Night snuck past a cluster of guards and ducked into a separate engine room. Her map told her she had to shut down the exit/entrance alert system to prevent alerting the guards that doors had been opened. If Lotor noticed that random doors were opening when a guard wasn't scheduled to, there would be problems.

She had to take down three more guards in the engine room. Her map was telling her how to shut down the codes and engine, but Night wasn't really getting it.

What is a quintessence semi-converter anyways? And what does it mean to override the manual bypass system?

Oh well.

Night figured it wouldn't be too important. A system as a system, right? She swept her bayard across the whole control panel, shutting it down.

Then she ran out into the hallway. And cursed. A group of guards was running towards the room, alerted by the shutdown. Night summoned her bayard and blasted half of them with her lighting. Then she squared off against the remaining four.

They surrounded her, ready to shoot. Night leaped up, back-flipping outside the circle. Then she cut all of them down.

There we go. But I can't hide all of these bodies. I'm almost there, anyway. It shouldn't matter.

Night followed the map down to the hangar where Gold was being kept and opened the door, again.

But something was wrong. Someone was inside Gold. Night glared up, trying to see. It was...


Lotor was sitting inside Gold, trying to make it fly. Luckily, Gold wasn't responding at all, Lotor was having no luck. Night shoved her dagger into her armor, hiding it, and vanished her bayard. Just in time. Lotor noticed her and climbed down from Gold.

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