Chapter 13

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Night's phrase of the day, at this point, was clearly,


She yelled this when Galra ships decided to chase after her, when Lance almost veered into her flank side, and when Hunk made a terrible joke about cheese blintz.

Night pulled out of the way of a huge battle cruiser and shot at it. It exploded into a halo of light. Lance pulled around behind her slowly, to avoid smashing into Night and triggering another round of eardrum-shattering cursing, and together they took down a few fleets, but there were almost too many. The fleets just kept coming.

Where are all these quiznaking ships coming from?

She got edgier and edgier as the battle progressed, often shouting at others to focus when they already were, or screaming to 'move outta my way' when Pidge was already a whole planet-length away. Clearly, as Lance had said a few minutes ago, she need to take a chill pill.

"Oi, Lance, where do I get these chill pills?" Night called, cutting down a line of fighters with heavy fire.

Lance laughed. "Are you serious?" He smashed into a battle cruiser, making a highly explosive domino chain of ships.

"Of course I'm serious," Night snapped, pushing Lance out of the way of a falling cruiser. "I really need to chill, right?"

"No, they don't exist. It's just an expression, okay?" Lance explained.

Night pulled into a dive to counter a huge burst of ion cannon fire. "You're kidding me, right?" There was a pause. "Alright, not kidding. Whatever."

Pidge pulled in beside the duo, a panicked look on her face.

"Guys! I can't find Allura! We were supposed to meet up for an ambush, but she hasn't shown up. It's been five minutes past time!"

Night groaned. First Hunk, and now the Princess.

"I'll go look!" Night sped away without even listening or waiting for a reply from the others.

She rounded the battlefield, dodging fire from random ships, blasting through and over planets.

Where is Allura?

Night spotted a mass of ships clustering around... something? She flew in for a closer look. It wasn't Blue. It was Lotor's main battleship, the headquarters. Night didn't get very far before she was shooed away from heavy fire.

She wouldn't have been taken prisoner... Allura's too smart to have been captured. Unlike me.

Night pulled away for another lap of the area. She attempted a radar scan on Gold, but the battlefield was too thick with fire blasts and ships to find anything.

"Has anyone seen Allura?" Night yelled.

Four quick "nope"s answered her. She growled in frustration.

"You guys, we kind of need to find her, you realize?!"

"I thought you didn't like Allura," Keith commented. "Why are you so concerned about rescuing her?"

"She's a teammate," Night retorted. "And I thought you didn't like Lance! Why do you keep saving his Red Lion butt?" She watched Black take down a line of ships for Lance.

"I'm not!" Keith shot back.

Night switched her view to the other Lions. They were doing fine, Hunk and Pidge working together to ambush large fleets. Lance and Keith worked together, contrary to Keith's words, bringing down huge battle cruisers with one or two hits.

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