Chapter 15 - One More Time

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Keith grabbed Night's arm, pulling her behind him.

"Stay behind me." He growled, glaring daggers at Lotor.

Night shook him off. "No!"

"Night, listen to me," Keith pleaded while Lotor looked on with a cruel smile. "I can't let you get hurt!"

She ignored him, turning to Lotor instead. "Oi, Lotor! What's your catch in this battle?"

Lotor looked up from polishing his already shiny blade. "Catch?"

"Yeah, you know," Night stepped in front of Keith, planting the silver end of her blade in the ground. "What's your stupid trick this time? I know you're going to trick us."

"Well... losing this fight comes at a cost, if you don't die." Lotor shrugged.

Night raised an eyebrow, trying to forget the pounding of her heart. "And... that cost is?"

Lotor frowned at Night. "Well, besides death of course, we have this..."

He signlead to someone in the crowd, and a panel near the upper walls of the arena opened. Keith and Night squinted, trying to see inside. The metal door gave away to a glass partition, and she could see someone curled up inside.

Oh, gods. That's a person.

She swallowed down a wave of rage, trying to keep herself calm.

Who is that?

Night ran closer to the glass, craning her neck upwards. She waved Keith over frantically.

Her brain exploded with thoughts the minute she recognized who it was.

Night felt sick.

How? No. I'm imagining things... No, no, no, no, no!

"LANCE!" She screamed.

Keith ran over. "LANCE?"

Lance ran over to the glass, pressing his hand to it. Keith placed his hand over Lance's. Night choked back a sob.

"Lance. Listen to me," Keith pleaded. "We're going to get you out of here."

Lance shook his head. "No." His voice was muffled through the partition.

"Look at me. You're always so determined to win. What happened? Did they hurt you? How did you get here?" Keith pressed his face to the glass, trying to see the rest of the room.

Night glanced over a Lotor, who was watching the heartbreak unfold in front of him, a twisted, wrong smile on his face.

"After you left," Lance explained. "I went looking for you. I saw Gold and Black on the ridge but got captured. They've taken Red, and put me here."

Night stabbed the glass with her bayard, but whatever material this barrier was, it rejected her blow. The blade bounced right off, and Night growled in frustration. "Lance, we're going to get you out of here."

Her bayard bounced off the wall, nearly decapitating Night. Lance and Keith sighed.

"Guys, listen," Lance looked up. "There's no point anymore. You can't win. Just leave me, and you guys live."

Keith gasped. "No... we're not letting you die. I would never do that."

"Yeah." Night nodded in agreement, picking up her blades.

Lotor laughed. "Are you guys done with the drama yet?"

Keith and Night glared at him, but there was no anger behind it. Only sadness.

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