Chapter 8 - First Battle

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Keith sank into the mess hall chair, emptying yet another hydration pack. He was exhausted, even though he had only fought once. He passed the deflated packet to Lance, who tossed it into the garbage chute.

The other paladins walked into the room, full of energy. Well, besides Night. She stumbled into the chair next to Keith and lay her head on the table.

"Please tell me the day is over, now." Night groaned.

Keith sighed. "I would love to tell you that, but, we still need to debrief. Then we have dinner. It's kind of lunch and a meeting right now."

"You got that right," Hunk grinned. He slid two plates of space goo towards Night and Keith. "Space goo for everyone!"

Night stared at the goo. "What the quiznak is this stuff?" She poked it with her finger.

The doors slid open, and everyone turned. Allura strode in, none the worse for her battle with Night.

Allura sat at the head of the table. "Paladins. What did we observe about Night's fighting style today?"

Pidge raised her hand. "She's strong and agile."

Keith nodded in agreement, remembering how she had slammed into him, but also bent back when he had pushed her.

"I didn't get to fight her," Hunk added, shoveling goo into his open mouth. "but she has lightning powers."

Everyone started talking all at once, asking Night questions. Even Keith was a little curious.

"How do you do it?"

"Is it tiring?"

"Does it hurt?"

"What does it feel like?"

Night leaned back in her chair, trying to put space between the eager paladins and her.

"I-I really don't know. It just takes focus?"

Allura crossed her arms. "All right. Enough about her lighting. What do you think about her skill level?"

The paladins all sat back down.

"She's pretty good," Lance began. "But I don't fight with those types of weapons, so I can't really tell."

"Night likes to use her weapon and hand-to-hand at the same time," Keith added.

Hunk nodded. "She also is really good at blocking."

"In my opinion," Allura stood up. "Night's skills are decent. Novice at most."

Keith gasped. Lance stood up, too. "She beat you, Allura." Lance stuck a long finger at Night, who glared at Allura.

Allura glanced around at all of them. Pidge also stood up, taking a stand beside Lance. "Yeah, Allura. Why are you being so harsh towards her?"

"Sit down, all of you. It's true. Night is not experienced at fighting."

Night and Keith jumped up at the same time. Keith spoke first.

"Ok, seriously Allura. Why are you saying these things?" He leaned his hands on the table. "She's our new paladin. You said it yourself."

Night crossed her arms. "What did I ever do to you?"

"You don't deserve to be a paladin, Night. You're a spy."

All the paladins gasped. Keith growled under his breath.

I can't let Allura do this to Night. I have to protect her.

Keith slammed his fists on the table, making the plate of goo rattle. Anger was taking over him.

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