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Since Cardell and the gang left, Edwin been so quiet. I was in the back of the class chilling with my boys. Laila was talking to Lynn but she looked tired. She put her head down

"Aye Killa somethings wrong with Laila" Lynn told me. "Iight im finna check on her" i told her..As I was getting up, Laila ran to the trash can and vommited

I held her hair and rubbed her back. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yea just morning sickness" she coughed

She went back to her seat. "I have a appointment after-school,you can come if you want" she said. "Yea im coming, its my baby too" i whispered

"Killa I dont know how long I can hide this, Im getting big. People are going to find out" She says. "Calm down, you can tell when your ready, I told my mom she was okay with it but mad, she wants to meet you" I told her

She smiled. "Ok"



I was with Q, Trent, and Junior. We were in the back of the school smoking. I been working hard for the baby, I know Laila going to have to move in soon.

"So whats been up with babymoms" Q asked. "Shit nothing. Can yall tell shes pregnant?" I asked

"Kinda, Its not fat its a bump." Trent said. "She still sexy" Junior snirked I hit him

"She belongs to me. She is my girlfriend, my babymama. I hit it first and imma hit it last" I told them

"Man you wanna hit 187 on south street" Junior asked i sighed. "I cant Laila have a doctor appointment for the baby" I told them

"Shit man your fun life is over" Q said. "What you mean" i asked. "You have a kid on the way, you cant do everything anymore" he explained

I exhaled the smoke. "FUCK" i shook my head. "If its any consolation I wanna be the godfarther" Junior smiled

As I was walking to class I seen Laila talking on the phone.


"Abuela he isnt a bad guy"

"Yes he does that"

"He is my babies farther"

"No, he never"

"Yall loco, I will see"

"Love you bye"

-End convo-

I walked up to her and rubbed her stomache, she sigh and layed her head on my chest as I rubbed her stomache.

"Whats wrong" i asked. "Im just stressed,Im tired" she says. "Stop stressing before you hurt my seed and yourself" I told her

She started crying. "I-Im s-sca-scared" she said hiccuping. "Laila its okay, I am too" I told her.


When we got the doctor, we walked to the back. Laila sat on the bed thang and I sat in the chair.

"Hello Laila and.....Killa" The woman said slow. "How many months are you?" the doc asked

"3months" Laila said. "I want to do an ultrasound to check on the baby" doc said. Laila layed down the woman was pointing out parts

"Thats the head" she pointed to. "Yall hear the little heart beating" she asked. I grabbed Laila hand&kissed it while she smiled

"Yall baby is very healthy,mommy you need to eat a little more" doc told her. "Can we know the sex" I asked. "We cant tell till the third trimester" Doc says


We got to my moms house and smelled food when we walked in. We looked on the table and seen a good amount of food.

"Hello you must be Laila" Mom hugged her. "Yes. Nice to meet you" She smiled. "Bout time kewan fine a good respectable girl" Mom smile

"Sit down and feed my grandchild" Ma said Laila sat down and started eating. "Kewan when was you going to tell Laila your name I approved of" mom asked

I sighed "Babe my real. real name is Kewan" I told her. "Thats so cute" She kissed my cheeks. "So Laila how long have you and Killa been dating" Ma asked

"It will be a year in August" She said. "When the baby is born who is going to watch the baby" Mom asked. "We havent decided" I told her. I got a message

"I gotta go, Laila stay here." I said. "Really Killa? whatever go" She said with an attitude. "Why you act like this" I asked. My mom had wentto the bathroom

"Just go,I will be fine not like you care" She said taking her plate walking to the front. "What the fuck that suppose to mean?" I got mad. "Nothing bye have fun" she said. I just left

I got in my car and drove to the trap. The REAL boss wanted to talk to us. Cardell was kinda still the Boss but Diable' is head nigga. Laila is tripping, of course I care she's my girl and babymama.


I was sitting on the couch talking to Ms. Condova. She is a very nice lady but she dont play.

"How did Killa get the name Killa?" I asked her. "His no good ass dad told the nurse that his name was Killa and that bitch put it on there but I call him Kewan." She says. "I would like to meet your guardian" she said

"Well my brother been raising me, my mom died and my dad is in and out of prison. He's out now" I tell her. "Ooh Im sorry. Lets talk about the baby" She patted my back

I started crying. "K-Killa act like he doesn't have time for me,like a now. I didnt plan on getting pregnant,he got me pregnant on purpose" i told her she gasped. "Did he take his medicine?" she asked

I looked confused "what medicine" i asked. "Baby,he is biploar" she told me. "I knew it,he came off like that. Is it healthy for me&the baby to be around him" I asked

"Yea,when he takes his medicine. Anyway are you going to move in with Kewan" she asked. "When the baby makes 8months then I will go home" I told her

She sighed. "I know Kewan is mentally unstabled but please bear with him, he always talk about you. I think this was a sign," This woman must be smoking

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