Chapter Two (Revised)

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 When the boy awoke, he heard the sound of muffled voices coming from outside the carriage. Shuffling closer to the door, he leaned against it and managed to make out what they were saying.

 "... I'm sorry, but I am not giving the boy up." That was the man who let him stay in the carriage.

 "You must," A gruff voice sounded from the other side. "After that magic user took him way and made him forget everything he knew, the boy hasn't been the same. We were even lucky to get him back the first time, and after he ran off I didn't even know if we could do it again. Now here he is in your wagon, and I am asking nicely if you could hand him over."

 "I am sorry, but like you said he is different now. Cedric doesn't want to go back to his old life, he wants to be away from the likes of you. For God's sake he is only a child, let him be."

 Then suddenly there was the sound of steel on leather, a thump and then a shuffle. Cedric's heart sank as he knew that the kind man was dead. Suddenly, the door opened and he saw who the other man was.

 Dressed in all black, except for a dark green cloak, an older looking man with dark hair was revealed. Holding a sword that dripped with blood, the man looked at him with cold brown eyes. An evil smile touched his lips as he sheathed his sword and held out a hand.

 "Cedric, get out. You're coming back with me." He ordered.

 "What? Why would I do that? I don't even know you... or... wait..." Flashes of memories played put before him, and he saw himself training with various kinds of weapons in a dark room, with the same man smiling kindly at him, with Cedric returning the gesture. Skipping forwards in time, they were in the same room, and after the practice the boy turned around to smile at his mentor, but his back was already turned. "Who are you, and why did you kill that man?!"

 "The driver? He was an informant for my- our- guild. He was supposed to report everything and anything to us, but for some reason he felt as if you've changed enough that you wouldn't want to come back. He did always like you so perhaps that is why. Either way he was a loose end that had to be dealt with sooner or later."

 "I... I have no idea what you're talking about, but I don't care. I don't want to go anywhere with you!"

 Cedric then kicked the man in the chest and jumped out of the carriage, putting some distance between himself and the man, who simply laughed and pulled out his silver sword once again. Cedric drew his rusty blade and grimaced. It wouldn't hold up in a fight for long, if it even got past the first blow. He was snapped out of his worry as the man charged forwards and brought down his sword, to which Cedric responded to by rolling out of the way. He ducked underneath a slash and tried to slice at the man's legs, but he jumped over the strike and kicked the boy in the face. Cedric shouted out and pinched his nose to try to stop the blood that had already begun to flow like a river. Desperately, the boy tried to surprise him by jabbing out with a quick thrust, by it was no use, he just couldn't land a hit.

 "Had enough yet Cedric?" The man sneered.

 "That's... what I... should be asking... you." Cedric wheezed. How could he get out of this? In frustration he threw his sword but his opponent struck it down to the ground with inhuman speed, which caused it to shatter into pieces. As he watched his weapon break, Cedric had a plan.

 He walked over to the man, who smiled and nodded, placing an arm around the boy. "Good job Cedric, I'm proud of you."

 However suddenly the boy took his arm and twisted it around over his head, causing the man to fall to the ground with pain. Cedric then quickly took a shattered piece of his sword and jabbed it into the man's thigh, causing him to scream in pain once again. Running towards the horse attached to the carriage, Cedric took the reins and flicked them, causing the animal to gallop in the direction of the town the man had said was close by.

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