Phase 5

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Several days later, it's the night of the piano concert.

We're backstage preparing our outfits and getting the setlist ready.

Outside you can hear the crowd becoming excited as the time nears to start.

"It's a full house, isn't it?" One of the ladies ask out to the open.

"It seems so, which means that there is no space for mistakes! Please do relax while playing and keep concentrated everyone. But most importantly do not forget to enjoy yourselves. If you enjoy playing yourself, the crowd will also enjoy listening to your fingers pressing against the keys." The chairman replies also making a small speech at the same time.

Enjoy, huh? A daughter of the Stanbury family is not supposed to enjoy playing piano. Yet here she is, idly enjoying her life as if her status does not matter anymore. I laugh at myself inside my head.

The concert starts and the other pianists are up first. I am the last act.

The very last act...


Soon they drew the very last curtain, and called for me to prepare for the last song.

As I'm about to enter the stage, one of the crew members call for me.

"Lady Stanbury, I apologize for interrupting but Lord Stanbury is here to see you."


"I understand, I will go see the Lord."

I walk back to the dressing room to see my uncle there.

"Excuse me, you called for me uncle?" I give a courteous bow.

"Yes, Kathyrne. I came to tell you that this is the very last performance you will ever perform."

My mouth almost drops open. "Why..why uncle? You told me that I still had time to end this."

"Silence. I observed the fact that you are unable to get rid of this attachment so quickly. Thus, I have withdrawn you from this school. Today is your last day."

I look down, astonished, and have no words to say.

"Be glad, I gave you one last opportunity to play with your schoolmates, after this there will no longer be any word of this school. Remember it well." He leaves the room.

How could uncle do such a thing? Always trying to change my destiny without consulting a single word.

I am about to shed tears until the crew members call me back.

*knockknock "Lady Stanbury, I apologize for disturbing you but your performance is starting soon."

"I understand, I'll be out shortly."

That's right, how can I afford to break down and cry right here and right now? If I do then this moment really will play into uncle's hands. I need to forget and move on and give the very last best performance I can ever give. I will not allow him to control me any longer.

I build my resolve, wipe my tears, and head for the stage.


As I hear the crowd growing restless outside, I knew I had to move. Yet my legs were shaking frozen.

I can't, I can't.. The voice inside me speaks.

That's when I heard Zark's voice inside my head:
You should be proud of yourself, not everyone is blessed with such talent. Be confident.

12 Phases of The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now