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A/N: hola im sorry this took so long so before the chapter starts, please look at this edit that @connoreatsvag6969 made for this chapter i love it so much. this is kinda filler but shit goes down kinda but okokok enjoy ur gay shit



The fear of natural intimacy.


10 hours earlier

No matter how dumb and obnoxious he may have seemed to everyone around him, Pete could be a very quick-witted and caring boy when he needed to. There wasn't much he couldn't really do, besides long division, that was his ultimate weakness. He made peace with that long ago, because he knew that every super hero had a weakness, and he was sure that he was destined to be Mikey's own personal superhero. Mikey sucked at long division too, so it was a win-win on Pete's side anyway.

Pete decided to bring forth his inner super hero earlier in the day, before Mikey could figure out that Gerard was gone already. Pete liked to think that he had a sixth sense and he could practically tell that Gerard was gone, or maybe it was just common sense since Frank hadn't shown up to school either and had talked about leaving the section a few days prior. Moral of the story, Pete was smart, possibly telepathic and anticipating the moment of Mikey's soon to be breakdown when he figured out the devastating truth.

Of course, Pete could never know Mikey's pain. He'd never had any siblings, therefore he had no place on how to tell Mikey to feel, which he didn't plan on doing anyway. And now, as they walked home, side by side in the pouring rain, Pete could feel the tension basically radiating off of Mikey's thin body. Pete almost panicked on the inside, things already seemed to be turning.


"What." Mikey replied, stalling a few seconds before answering with his slightly monotone voice.

"I think we should stop and do some sexy yoga." Pete suggested. So far, his superhero act was not working and his old antics of pure bullshit were still pouring for the prison of his mouth.

Mikey pulled a rather suggested face, "We're...on a sidewalk...in public...in the rain."

"Exactly! Perfect conditions for a totally average yoga session that in no way is me stalling you from getting home too quickly!" Pete exclaimed before shrugging his taco-printed backpack off and letting it thud gently onto the damp concrete. Mikey, on the other hand, stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at what his shorter friend was doing.

"Pete, no." Mikey only sighed as Pete was beginning to balance on one leg and put his palms together above his head, he wobbled terribly and almost fell over with a wide smile on his face. Mikey silently prayed that nobody from school was around to witness the fact that Pete was making a complete fool of himself. Honestly, Mikey should've walked away and let Pete embarrass himself as usual, but these random episodes of Pete's were a routine now. Some days of the never ending routine consisted of loud singing of old Beatles songs, single player charades, screaming useless bingo numbers in the middle of conversations and now, spontaneous sexy yoga on a sidewalk.

The yoga was a fraud too, it wasn't even sexy. It looked like a newborn dear trying to be a ballerina.

"Mikey, c'mon. It's fun." Pete called out, still managing to stand on one foot. He knew this wasn't working and really it was only annoying Mikey even more, but that could've been an upside, maybe Mikey would get so annoyed that his annoyance would overcome the sadness when he came home to no brother.

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