Adventure on the Savnnah: a Lion King fancic

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You know how you have a dream that feels real even though its completely fake? Well this dream is nothing like those dreams.

Hi my name's Michelle, I'm fifteen, have dark brown hair, and violet eyes, or so I thought.

I woke up this morning to chirping, not the annoying beep of an alarm clock, chirping. I looked around and saw nothin but grass, sand, and more sand. What surprised me the most was when I looked at myself.

From the head down I was covered in golden-brown fur. My ears twitched in every direction and my tail flicked around. Wait a second, a TAIL!?

I got up an spun around. Yup, I definitely have a tail. I thought I was going crazy but this was just a dream. I figured that if I go back to sleep I'll wake up in my nice warm bed.

I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes. I woke up again but realized I was still sleeping as a lion.

"Ugh what am I gonna do," I said as I paced back and forth. Wait, I can talk. Ok so I'm not dreaming, I'm a lion, and I can talk. My initial thought was that I would growl or meow or something a cat would do.

I decided that I was not going to stand around and look like vulture chow, the flies were bad enough.

"Alright I need some help."

"What kind of help," a voice asked.

I whipped around. I've been in the sun for to long, I'm hearing things.


Just then another lion cub jumped out if a bush.

"Do you need help getting to Pride Rock," the cub asked.

I stared at him like he was crazy. He just laughed at walked towards me.

"I've never seen you around here before," he said as he circled me, "what's your name?"


"I'm Simba," he said proudly.

"Simba? What kinda name-"

Then it hit me. Pride Rock, Simba, it all made sense. I was in the Lion King, my favorite childhood movie.

"You ok," Simba asked.

"Uh, yea, just lost in thought."

"Hmmm, let's go see my dad. He might be able to help."


So we ran to Pride Rock. As we ran Simba kept looking at me and would run around me.

"What are you doing?"

"You look familiar but then again..."

He stopped abruptly which made me skid to a halt almost making me smack into his face. We were almost nose to nose and he didn't even move.

"I don't know what your deal is but you're freaking me out," I whimpered.

"You just look like someone I know."

He turned around and walked down the path. I felt like turning and running but somehow I knew I wouldn't make it far without him stopping me.

"Hey Michelle?"

I ran up to his side.


"Why do act so weird when I circle you?"

He walked around me just to make his point. I sat down and stared at him while he walked around.

"You done yet," I asked annoyed.

"Haha, I'm just messing with ya," he laughed bumping me with his head.

"Can we just see your dad?"

"You need to lighten up. After we see my dad you need to meet my friends."

"Frie- Timon and Pumba?"

"Uh, how did you know that," he asked.

"Oh, uh, just a guess. C'mon I'll beat you there," I joked.

"Ha I don't think so."

We ran up to the top of Pride Rock and stopped when we got to the balcony part.

Huffing and puffing, "I won," we said at the same time, "no I won, no I WON!!"

"It was a tie."

We both jumped back and saw Simba's dad come out of a cave.


He ran up and rubbed his head against his dad's leg.

"Michelle this is my dad Mufasa, dad this is my new friend Michelle."

"Well 'friends' is a strong word, we don't even know each other," I said shyly.

Mufasa walked up to me and I took a step back not realizing I was at the edge. My paw slipped off dragging me with it. I would have fallen to my death if Mufasa hadn't been quick and grabbed the scruff of my neck. He brought me away from the edge and placed me down.

"Michelle! Are you ok," Simba yelled running up to me, "I got so scared."

He ran up and rubbed his head next to mine. I returned it back.

"I'm fine," I said still shaking.

"Why don't we go into the den so no one else falls," Mufasa said walking back to the cave.

Me and Simba looked at each other and followed Mufasa close behind.


Hey, so I'm a huge disney fan and I figured I would right a story on my favorite disney movie "the Lion King"

And I hope my friend lol_dreams likes this.


Adventure on the Savnnah: a Lion King fancicWhere stories live. Discover now