6: telling friends

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At that time, his suspicions gets the better of him and called his friends to come to his apartment immediately.

"Hey guys" said Justine when he called in a group chat

"Hello Justine" said fred "what's going on?"

"I need you guys to come to my apartment immediately, I have something incredible to show you all." Said Justine

As Justine hangs up at the phone, his friends were very curious about what might justine be hiding, they all decided to go to go to his apartment.

After a few minutes, they all arrived at Justine's apartment door. They all knocked and Justine opened the door, looking very suspicious. Justine immediately pushed them into the apartment for them to know what is the reason justine wants them to be here.

"Ok dude" said Dave "what's the happs?"

"Yeah" said Fred "you were acting strange a while ago, what's the matter?"

Justine was feeling immense pressure and stress from the questions his friends were asking him. At that time, he leads them to his room where he will explain.

"Ok guys" said Justine in a nervous tone "you really wanna know why I called you guys? Please don't freak out"

"You know us" said Wakky "nothing will ever freak us out"

"Ok, if you say so" said Justine

He then uncovered the covered terrarium and showed them little dude, eating a dead rat and drinking water. Little dude saw them and greeted them with a friendly snarl.

"A di..di...dinosaur, uhhhh!" Said Wakky while he was faiting

"How is this possible?" Said Fred "dinosaurs are extinct and how did this still lives?"

"I don't even know" said Justine "it's not possible at all"

"Where did you even found him?" said Dave

"I found him when I was out of the dumpster last night after Carlo and his friends tossed me there" said Justine

Wakky finally woke up from his faint and immediately grabbed a rod and tried to smack the dinosaur. Justine and the others stopped him from hurting the dino.

"No!" Said Justine "little dude won't hurt us"

"Why?" Said Wakky "It's a carnivore and it will eat us as meat"

"No, little dude is just a baby" said Justine "it wouldn't even hurt a fly and according to parenting books if we trained and care for a wild beast, it will be loyal to us and won't let anything happen to us"

"Yeah that is true" said Fred "let's just be careful, its might attack"

Little dude continued eating and did a ton of very cute and very funny things while pretending to be a big dino. They were all awwing at the cuteness of the dino.

"Aww!" Said Dave "that's so cute"

"Yeah" said Wakky "what dino is this?"

"It says that it is and acrocanthosaurus" said Justine "look, I don't want little dude out there or be seen by the authorities or any other people other than us, he is weak and gets beaten up easily, like me"

"You got our word Justine" said Fred "we won't be telling anyone about him"

"Yeah me too" said Dave

"Yeah, little dude will survive" said Wakky

They all agreed not to tell others about the dino and will do anything for him. They all marvelled at the cuteness of the dino for a few hours until it became night.

Justine had an idea, he told them to sleepover tonight with little dude. They all have their sleeping bags with them and they all agree.

They played games and had shadow puppets with little dude until they were all too tired and fell to sleep. At that time, Justine was very happy for little dude and gave him a kiss and a goodnight hug.

A New Dino FriendWhere stories live. Discover now