9: fire trouble

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Justine and his friends are having  a great time watching a show with little dude. Dave was laughing very hard at the show that milk came out of his nose. Little dude laughs as well.

"Hahaha!" Said Justine "I can't stop laughing at what you did, hahahaha!"

"Ok guys, knock it off" said Dave while he was wiping off the milk in his nose "we are interrupting little dude's show"

As they stopped laughing, they saw that little dude was paying close attention at the meat channel. Seeing him wiping his tongue in his lip, makes them worry that they might get eaten. Justine quickly prepared a meat feast at the table, while they were talking a while ago.

Little dude smelled the meat from the kitchen then swiftly ran to the kitchen to eat. Little dude was very hungry so he immediately ate the meat on the table and ate it violently.

Justine heard the commotion at the kitchen then went straight there only to see the kitchen messed up by the meat slobber of little dude's breakfast.

"Oh little dude!" Said Justine "learn to eat properly"

Little dude was so ashamed that he spit out a cow bone right out of his mouth. The others came in and saw the mess that little dude made, and they were not surprised.

"I should have known this woud happen" said Fred "come on, let's clean this mess up"

Little dude grabbed the brooms and mops to help but he felt something weird happening. Little dude sneezes and from that sneeze he sneezed out fire, covering the top drawer. The group panicked and grabbed the fire extinguisher then extinguished the fire. At that moment, they were all wondering about something.

"Oh my God!" Said Justine "how can he breath fire?"

"Hey, hey, you're not the only one surprised about this" saod Wakky

"Um guys" said Dave while looking at little dude "I think he's gonna sneeze again, and it's a big one"

They all looked at little dude then hid under the table, except Fred. They tried to get Fred to duck but he grabbed a kitchen cloth then wiped little dude's nose. He stopped but Fred felt heat from it's mouth, like fire.

"Hey guys" said Fred "do you guys feel hot?

"Yeah, why?" Said Justine

"I think that little dude can breath fire" said Fred

"What!" Said Dave "But that's impossible, no creature in history can have the ability to breath fire"

Justine had an idea in how to determine it. He went up to the attic only to brought down a large x-ray that can look very deep into an organism.

They plugged in the x-ray then activated it to look into little dude. An image was shown into the monitor and what they saw was intriguing.

"Oh my gosh" said Justine "I can't believe it, little dude has a fire organ inside of him"

They looked at the monitor and confirmed what just Justine saw. They see that little dude has a fire organ that gives hi the ability to breath fire, but in his age the organ is still maturing and he has trouble in controlling it.

"Well this is cool and all but I'm a little worried" said Wakky "his organ is not fully grown, what if he can't control his fire bursts?"

"I assure you guys, that won't happen" said justine "we will not burn because little dude can do it"

Little dude smiled only to blast a fire ball at the wall. It only left a burn mark as size as a painting so they hung up a painting and covered it up.

The guys were all worried but they won't be because Justine was there to keep little dude intact and out of flammable areas. They all continued their weekend fun with little dude.

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