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I woke up Mac was still asleep I got up carefully on my tippy toes trying my best not to wake home what makes it worse is that the floor creeks every single time you take a step on the floor.

I reached the kitchen and got my self some Strawberry's and began eating them then Mac arrived looking tired I laughed.

" morning sleepy head " I said.

He half smiled and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

" so I changed the pregnancy test to today " I said.

Mac stared at me and nodded and sat down.

" our appointment is at eleven so we should get dressed " I said.

I finished eating Strawberry's and placed my dish in the sink and went into my room and grabbed some shorts and a blouse and some heels and a nice choker and did my hair half up and half down.

I walked out and Mac stared at me and whistled.

" oh stop " I said smacking him jokingly.

" I'm gonna go change be right back " he said walking towards our room.

A few months late Mac walked out with a plan white T-shirt and some black Nike's and ripped up jeans and a nice white Nike hat.

" ready " I said.

" yup let's blow this Popsicle stand " he said grabbing the keys.

I walked out the door and got into the car and Mac started the car up and we drove to our appointment.

Once we got there I checked us in and we sat down in the waiting room patiently waiting.

Then we heard my name called and Mac squeezed my hand and looked into my eyes and smiled I was so nervous was I pregnant or was I not?

We walked into this tiny room with the doctor and her white coat she smiled.

" Okay Ariana ready to take your test? " she said exictied.

I gulped and nodded she got all the supplies ready and told us how she was going to do the process.

" so go pee in this cup and come back and I'll sticking this in and it will tell you the results " she said smiling.

I nodded nervously I grabbed the cup and walked to the bathroom I did what I need to do and walked back in the doctor smiled and put the pregnancy stick in my liquid and waited for about five minutes for the time to go off.

She took it out and handed it to me and Mac we not had shock in our eyes.

" IM PREGNANT" I said excited.

" congratulations Ariana and Mac " the doctors eyes.

The look in Macs eyes was happy and upset I knew he wasn't ready for this but I was we exchanged glances and smiled.

" well have a great day you two " the doctor said leaving the room.

" thank you " Mac said.

We walked out of the doctors silent once we got in the car Mac sighed.

" I really wasn't ready for this " he said.

" its gonna be Ok we can make it through this together " I said squeezing onto His hand smiling.

He smiled back and squeezed my hand back I had a good feeling about this.

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