Twenty Nine

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"what happened?" I asked getting up and walking towards the nurse, she looked at me and smiled.

"Did they come out?" I asked, hoping Ariana did give birth, but yet it was done so quickly.

"Haha not yet, but the news is she'll most likely give birth in the middle of the night, you know around one am and over" the nurse stated tapping the pen against her chin.

"Oh ok thanks for the news" I said, the nurse smiled at me and walked back into Ariana's room.

"I was hoping she already gave birth" I grumbled sitting back down in my seat, Liz let out a soft laugh.

"Mac it doesn't happen that quickly ya know" Liz said, I nodded my head slowly.

"Well it's late you should get some rest in this comfy chair" she said sarcastically. I laughed at her sarcasm.

"Aren't you going to stay to?" I asked looking at Liz who was playing with the home button on her iPhone.

"I think I'm gonna go home, but hey you call me when she gives birth ok? And auntie Liz will be here ASAP" Liz got up from the chair and grabbed her purse and slipped it over her shoulder.

"Alrighty then auntie Liz" I laughed and got up and gave Liz a hug, we pulled away and Liz smiled.

"It's gonna be okay, once these babies are born your life will be changed forever just realize that" and then she walked out of the hospital doors without saying another word to me.

I sighed and sat back down in the hospitals  "comfy" chair. I grabbed my phone and decided to kill time by scrolling through Instagram.


"They arrived" I exclaimed looking down at the one baby that was cradled in Ariana's arms, I looked around confused. Why was Ariana only holding one baby?

"Um doctor where's my other child?" I asked still looking for my baby girl, "I'm sorry Mac but your baby girl didn't make it" the nurse said looking down in despair.

My happy expression soon turned to upset, I just lost one of my babies, tears started coming out and soon I began subbing.

But Ariana was not crying yet she was smiling, but why would she smile about a crisis like this?

"Why are you happy about this situation?" I asked angrily, she soon started laughing.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!!" I asked knowing my face was beet red, I clenched my fist and puffed up my cheeks.

"It's just that, that baby needed to go, I only wanted one" Ariana said still laughing.


I woke up feeling sweat on my cheeks, I wiped it off with my hand and took a breath of relief. Thank God that was all a dream. Besides I knew Ariana would never do anything like that.

I started getting a migraine. I rubbed my temples hoping that would make it all better, but I realized it wouldn't. That's when I needed medicine real bad.

But I didn't want to got to the drugstore and leave Ariana here, I mean sure she's with nurses, but I want to be here when she's gives birth.

That's when I decided to just leave it and sit back down in the chair that I absolutely hated.

I ears Ariana's door click open and the same nurse that came and talked to Liz and I. I got up and walked towards her, she smiled and laid a hand on my shoulder.

"They've arrived"



-Reilly 💕

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