Chapter 2

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"If I did want to get to heaven, though, how would I do it?"

"You don't."

Tyler looked at the ground, sadly. He got up from his spot, and began his walk home.

Josh usually walked Tyler home, but decided it best to leave him be, even though he really didn't want to. He was worried Tyler might try to do something. But Tyler was innocent, and pure. He'd be clueless on the things to do.

When Tyler got home he thought about ways he could get to heaven, but he was dumbfounded. So, he searched it on the internet.

He found all kinda of things. Things to improve your chances on getting to heaven, bedroom tricks to make it feel like you're in heaven (Tyler was quite confused as to what that meant, so he left it alone), and other things.

One in particular that stood out, was this article he found on suicide. Now, Tyler may be innocent, and pure, but he's not a dummy. He knows what suicide is, he just didn't know how people did it.

The article led to another one about self-harm.

"These kids are so sad, and empty, and they do this to feel something. Anything. Because the sadness overtakes them, and it seems as though they can't feel anything else. So they try to make themselves feel something else; Pain. It may not be a good thing to feel, but in their eyes, anything is better than sadness. They may also feel like they deserve the pain. Maybe this pain can eventually turn into nothing. No pain, no sadness. But they're gone. Gone from this world, gone from their loved ones. They felt like they couldn't talk about it to anyone, like they couldn't seek help, so they took that metal blade and slid it across their wrists. Until one day, they went too far, and were taken from us. Taken from us, and given to the world above."

"The world above"

That stood out to Tyler. He knew that the world above was heaven, and he wanted to go there. Tyler read the article over again, to find out what he needed to get to the world above.

To heaven.

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