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Authors Note: -Warning- This chapter contains elements of alcohol consumption and sexual content. Reader discretion advised.
Harry spent most of Thursday trying to convince himself that it was just too much for him. He never had to calm someone down so much before. He didn't know how to deal with someone slowly killing themselves. He understood the depression and sadness. He understood the panic. He had been there before. Yet, it pained him beyond words can explain to see someone else go through it. Someone he just met, yet felt so strongly about.

That night, he decided to text Louis the directions to Ed's party. He did not have the nerve to escort him there and hoped maybe by texting instead of walking with him, he wouldn't show.

By Friday, when the party began, he stood around the makeshift bar; acting like he didn't care. He gulped down alcohol without a second thought. He wanted to convince himself that it was just too much to go through. Inside he felt torn. He was hoping that Louis would not show up so he had time to think, so he could have fun and relax. Yet, apart of him wanted him to come so he could fix him.

Taking another sip of alcohol, he felt a strong pat on his back.

"Save some for the rest of us!" Niall joked as he took Harry's cup out of his hands.

"Oh Niall, my best-friend, we are here to par-t-y!" Harry said reclaiming his drink. "Right?"

Niall knew he couldn't argue. He also knew that Harry was an emotional drunk and wondered who would take care of him the rest of the night.

"We will have fun then," Niall replied. "Promise." He said as he cranked the music up and grabbed Harry's hands as they entered the middle of the living room.

Liam spotted the crazy "dancing" and decided to join in.

"Ah, here we go. Break it down!" He said as he moved rhymthically. Niall and Harry looked at each other with laughter as Niall suddenly decided to do an Irish jig.


Louis and Zayn walked into the apartment with apprehension. Zayn was ready for a drink after the week he had and Louis wasn't sure he wanted to be there but Zayn threatened to call his mother if he didn't. He knew he had to act sane.

The men had different reactions to the dance party happening in the middle of the room. Zayn quickly joined in as he noticed Harry and his friends. Louis stood in the corner trying to keep his composure.

Letting out a loud laugh, Niall suddenly fell in the floor continue to laugh.

"And you judged my drinking. PSH!" Harry teased as he pretended to fall onto Niall and laugh with him. Liam followed after. Zayn thought it looked fun so grabbed Louis hand and made them jump on top of them as well.

Spotting them, Ed burst out laughing and clapping.

"Well. This is the best bromance I've ever witnessed. Beautiful!" He clapped as he fell on top of them as well. The other boys groaned from the weight, especially Niall who was bottom of the stack. "Hi, I'm Ed by the way." He said as he stuck out his hand to Zayn and Louis.

"Zayn," He firmly shook his hand back. "And this is Louis,"

"OH! That's Louis? Harry told me about you." He winked. Ed stared Louis down trying to figure him out. "He's harmless, Harry. I wouldn't worry about him breaking your heart. Seems like a fair enough guy." He said as he walked toward the bar signaling both of the others to follow him except Harry and Louis.

Louis gazed deep into Harry's eyes. Even with bloodshot and dilated drunken eyes,  he never saw a more shade of jade luster into the light. "Harold," He tasted the words as they came out of his lips.

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