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This chapter is going dedicated to: fundip115 whom I lost my comment virginity to. Thank you :)


Harry was happy to see the sun disappearing into the darkness as he walked back to his dorm. Sighing in relief, he turned the doorknob and threw his bag onto the floor. His roommate had already begun to set up the video games.

"Hey, Har. How was your first day of the semester?"

"Exhausting! Too much information."

"God, I know." His roommate scoffed. "I did get a number." He said flashing his trophy.

"How do you do that?" Harry asked astounded.

"It's all in the confidence." His roommate shrugged.

"I guess so, Niall." Harry said as he stretched out on his bed. "I didn't get any numbers today, but I did meet someone interesting," Harry said smiling.

"What's her name?" Niall asked wanting to make sure to stay away from her for friendship reasons.

Harry coughed as he shook his head. "HIS name is Louis." Harry scratched his head as Niall seemed relieved. "What is it?"

"All the ladies swoon over I'm glad you have your eyes on the opposite gender," He stated.

"Oh, Niall. All you have to do is take girl of interest out, play your guitar, and be yourself," Harry reassured him. "It'll work every-time!"

"Thanks for the advice.... never thought of that before...but he's not going to take my place, is he?" Niall joked.

"Never. You're my best-friend. I don't know what to think of Louis though. He seems a bit awkward." Harry states as Niall tried to hold in his laughter. "What is it?" Harry snorted.

"You're the most awkward person I know." Niall said playfully patting him on the back. "You should let me meet him, so I can get a vibe."

Trying not let his feelings show, Harry groaned. "I don't know if I am into him that way, Niall. I just said he's interesting. I don't really know him yet."

"Sure," Niall suspiciously looked at Harry but decided to drop it.

"I need to work on my assignments." Harry replied as he sat at his desk. "Are you having a gaming night?"

"Yeah, Liam is coming over. Is that okay?" Niall asked as he grabbed the controller.

"Of course." Harry responded as he grabbed his notebook from his bag.

He tried to think of the writing assignment and flipped through pages of his mind to try and decide on what he was struggling the most with, but nothing was coming to mind. Various memories flashed in his eyes. Losing his grandmother at age eight was hard on him because it was his first taste of death, but he did think consider that something he currently struggling with. Sophomore year of high-school when Becky left him for the star wrestling player was pretty heart wrenching, but he still didn't feel the pain. Then again, there was the time his father left him. That is something Harry still was suffering through, but it just didn't feel right to write about.

Exhaling, about to give up on his assignment until tomorrow, Harry gulped. He knew exactly what he needed to say and let the words escape his hands. He was in a trance and could not her the sound of the loud video game behind him or the shouting Liam and Niall was doing at the television. Instead, he allowed his mind to explore his darkest pieces.

Hours later, he let out a lament of relief, feeling naked and cleansed in his soul. He never shared these words on paper before and never realized how therapeutic it could be to get your thoughts out.

Standing up and stretching, he looked back and was not surprised to still see Niall and Liam playing games.

"Hey! You want to take a turn?" Liam asked handing the controller over to Harry.

"No, man. I think I'm going to go for a midnight coffee run," Harry said as he grabbed his sweater.

Liam and Niall shook their heads in sync with each other. They did not know too many people who liked to drink coffee at such a late hour, but they learn to accept all of Harry's little quirks.

Allowing the cool wind to seep through his sweater, Harry shuddered as his body formed cold goosebumps. He could feel the hairs stand up on his arms. Picking up his pace, he was happy to see the coffee shop door, but also frightened. It was usually not this crowded at night, but Harry remembered it was the first week back to school so everyone was thirsty to socialize.

"Uh, can I get a French Vanilla Double Espresso, please?" Harry asked looking at the menu, even though he already knew what he wanted. He hated ordering things. It made him feel so awkward. "Thank you." He said as he swiped his debit card.

Sitting down in a nearby chair, Harrys lips widened as he saw a familiar face.

"Hey Zayn!" He casually stated.

"Harry, I didn't think I'd see you here. What are you doing out so late?" Zayn asked as he closed his magazine.

"I'm mostly nocturnal," He shrugged. "How about you?"

"There was a football game tonight. It hasn't been over long. I just figured I'd grab a smoothie before I headed back to the dorm."

Harry looked around, hoping to see Louis. Not being able to keep his curiosity under control, he suddenly blurted out. "Where's Louis? Is he getting a smoothie too?"

Zayn chuckled under his breath. He could tell that Harry liked Louis and thought it was cute. "Oh god, no. He would think that it is a waste of calories," Suddenly Zayn noticed he was biting his tongue, knowing he said too much. He knew that Louis would not want him saying that.

Harry did not think twice about the statement and thought Zayn was joking. How could someone so thin think of calories in a smoothie? Had to be some inside joke so Harry nervously giggled. "He asleep?" Harry asked about him again.

"Yeah, I guess. He doesn't get out much to be honest." Zayn simply stated. "I hope to see you around, though. Your coffee is ready. I'll tell Louis I ran into you! Bye!" He hurried off. He felt guilty about what he said. Even though Harry seemed to not catch it, he knew Louis would disapprove. Even more so, he hated how it was on his mind a lot lately. He hoped Louis wasn't suffering a relapse.

Harry sat sipping his coffee as women walked by and gave him a sweet smile. He didn't seem to notice, and when he did, he would often try not to roll his eyes. Even though he claimed to be bisexual, the truth is he hadn't been attracted to a woman in years. Sometimes, he would bring them to the dorm just, so he wasn't lonely. However, he wasn't sure who would make his body grow with lust. He felt like he was turning asexual and would never be aroused again.

"God, I'm turning into a nun!" Harry said beside himself.  

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