The Antisepticeye Over Kill- by Antimonica02

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Chapter 1
They sprinted down the hallways searching for a killer. Fresh dead bodies deteriorated up against bloodied walls by a knife through their chests that were embedded deep into the wall to hold the dead weight. The wallpaper that could be seen through large cleafs from knives and blood, displayed its tortured old age. Lights flickered overhead with shattered bulbs secluded across the floor in pools of blood. They felt the panic that masked their faces as they turned each corner.
"Mark, those are large knife cuts and knives through their chests" Ethan stood lifeless and pale. Scrutinizing the wall with one of where the many bodies hung.
"Im aware of that Ethan!" Mark snapped petrified as he clutched Ethan's wrist and compelled him to run.
"Why are you yelling? What if we become one of them!?" Ethan protested.
"Don't mind the yelling! ... I yell when I'm nervous!" Mark froze, his eyes widened horrified. Seeing a familiar lifeless body dangled on the door. Her blonde locks rugged cut and stained with her own blood. Amy?... No" He slumped to his knees.
"Mark, I'm so sorry..." Marks eyes darkened. All the lights blew out and rained glass. A pair of glowing green eyes radiated with what looked like glitch bars through the darkness.
"Sean, I know you're here" Mark barked through his teeth. His jaw set forward. The radiated eyes narrowed, frustrated, then disappeared. Voices began to echo the halls begging for help and mercy. Spine chilling screams followed each outcry. They were being killed as they spoke out.
"Mark, I'm scared" Ethan took a step towards Mark. Suddenly with a hiss, Ethan found himself pinned to the ground. The killer pinned him by the shoulders. Ethan could feel the green eyes looking past his eyes burning into his soul. Ethan thrashed trying to escape. Shutting his eyes to shield his soul. Sean squinted as the glowing in his eyes dimmed and tears fell onto Ethan's terrified face. Forcing Ethan to open his eyes again. Sean's face was menacing with his snarl showcasing  dagger teeth. Sean's hands clawed, digging into Ethan's shoulders the more Ethan thrashed. Ethan kicked to try get him off as he felt Sean's claws dig deeper, into his nerves, he yelled pained. The pain he felt was extreme, he puked to his side so he didn't choke on it.
"Don't touch him! Hes mine!" Sean demanded. His voice sounded non human. Strings of saliva visible as Sean hissed wide mouthed, wide enough to almost bite off Ethan's head.  Ethan glanced up at Mark, his vision doubled as he felt the pain in his gut, his eye lids took longer to open after every blink. Passing out from blood loss.
"Stay awake Ethan!"  Ethan's hearing muffled. Sean turned to find Mark's hand clutched around his throat. "Sean! Snap out of it!" Mark watched as Sean choked for air with a playful grin. He was enjoying this game. Suddenly it hit Sean how serious it was getting and his grin dropped, he kicked, clawed and hissed at Mark. He stopped struggling, his eyes slowly shut and his mouth closed. He had passed out. Sean's weight became to much, he collapsed into Marks chest He caught Sean mid collapse.
"What's wrong with  sean!?" Ethan's voice was mortified with a slur. His Eyes lost. He inspected Ethan. Mark swung Sean over his shoulder to carry him to his car
"It wasn't Sean, you just met Antisepticeye" he lifted Ethan by the waist and put Ethan's arm around his shoulder and neck to support some of Ethan's weight.

Chapter 2
Ethan was coming off anesthetic; Mark had taken Ethan to the hospital. Ethan's eyes wondered around the car and looked at Sean laid across the back seat unconscious. His mouth open and arm dropped off the seat, harmless now. "What made him like this?"
"He's always been like this." Marks shoulders drooped "he has multiple of them. But sometimes he loses the fight to control them."
"So will he be ok?"
"When he wakes up he should be. He will remember nothing of what happened though"
"What did he mean by  'Don't touch him! Hes mine!' ?" Mark said nothing but raised an eye in Ethan's direction showing he heard. He thought about it.
"It's a long story... but in simplest form. He loves me. Everyone on the internet thinks the same, when nothing's going on between us." Mark's eyes looked upset and his lip quivered.
"Does it hurt seeing him like this?"
"Well... Of course it does...I mean .. he's a close friend... it hurts" his voice raised pitch while he fought the tears. Sean woke up greeted with a headache. He tried raising his hand to his throat but found himself unable to move. 'do I have a hang over?' Sean thought. "Sean is the closest friend I have, I don't know what I would be without him." Mark's voice cut out with the tears and sniffles. Sean felt sympathy, he listened. His eyes closed with the eye stinging streetlights.
"I know what you mean Mark, I have the same with Tyler" Ethan's gaze still on the road.
"I want to help him. But I don't know how" Mark punched the driver's car door with the side of his fist, frustrated at himself. His tears were making it too hard to see the road. He pulled over to the side of the road. Mark sniffled and put his head in his arms on the driving wheel. Ethan leaned over and hugged him. Sean felt tears in his own eyes. He hated Mark being upset. He became frustrated after realizing why Mark was upset. He felt something trying to take over him. He kicked the car door, finally able to move, he held his head and yelled trying to get it out of his head. Instead getting the attention of both Mark and Ethan. "Sean!?" Mark opened his door and rushed to Sean's door. He grabbed Sean and held him tight in his arms. Sean continued to yell  and squirm in pain in Mark's arms trying to fight it off. Through his yelling, Sean's teeth became pointed. His eyes shot open, they turned green but not glowing. "Come on Sean, Fight it" Sean shut his eyes as he kept yelling. He stopped moving and his head dropped to his chest and his whole body fell harder into Mark. "That's it Sean, you did it" Mark breathed out relieved and tired after holding his so tight and laid Jack back down onto the seat gently.
"Is he ok Mark?" Ethan questioned
"I think so... We need to get home, fast so he can get to bed. He passed out again. He's probably exhausted from trying to fight them off. Question is though... which one would of come out?" Mark wondered as he shut the door and got back into the driver's seat.

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