Let me die

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Still Dark's POV
"I don't know Dark, I honestly don't know" he came and sat next to me leaning his head on my shoulder. I leaned mine on top of his and I placed my hand on Antis hand that lay twitching on his leg. He offered me a smile then we fell into silence while we both thought.

I decided to break the silence when the same idea repeated itself I'm my head. I breathed in then out and spoke.
"C-could you find it in yourself to give me another chance Anti?" I felt stupid asking knowing he would say no. But I could at least give it a single chance.
Anti looked at our hands on his leg and turned his hand so my fingers could slip between his. He stared at our hands with a smile that was quick to drop as he used his other hand to put his face into.
Our hands locked as he slowly turned his head to face me while still leaning on his other hand. He gazed up looking me in the eyes, allowing his eyes to fade back to the familiar white and green that he used to disguise when he was out. It made him look... Human I guess, which I loved about him. He could at least look human when he was out... As for me... I didn't look human, I looked like a monster; red glowing eyes were not a human trait or gene of any kind.
His pupils dulled from their green glow before he closed his eyes taking in a deep breath in through his mouth then out the same way. Anti opened his eyes looking me deep in the eyes, not looking away or letting his eyes shake for once. His eyes were displaying the true hurt Anti was feeling deep down.

"Im sorry Dark... But I-I... I just can't. Were no good for each other." His eyes filled with tears. "I can't keep ruining you" I felt my heart break in two as he stole it away, I was correct in knowing that his answer would be a 'no'. But my heart shattered after being in two like glass when he said the last part to his answer. I didn't know he could be so... Cruel.

"You don't ruin me Anti... All Im doing and seem to do... is ruin you." He looked at me in a surprised way.

"W-what do you mean by that? You don't ruin me Dark your being stupid-"

"I ruin your chances Anti! You could of found someone better than me but we fell in love. I ruined our mission" I buried my head back in my hands with an annoyed sigh.

"Dark I couldn't have found anyone else, never mind anyone else better than you. Your perfect, were perfect, who cares that our mission has been messed up? We found each other, our one bond" Anti said tightening his grip in my hand. He winked at me and offered a kind smile. I smiled back at him but the thoughts of how much of a failure I was swarmed back. I stood up from the bed with a groan from the springs in the mattress. I let out another sigh, sliding my hands from over my eyes to the sides of my cheeks and pulled my skin back tight. I released the tension on my skin so I could look at Anti as he was sitting on the bed looking so... broken... all because of me.
He wanted to cry, I know he did. It was always obvious to tell when he wanted to cry or for a matter of fact was crying because of the dulling glowing of his pupils... I loved him, I always have. I always will.
Ever since I first joined the demon, I joined when I was about seventeen in demon years and was in the army for two years before I had seen him... It was love at first sight. I had heard of him, he was talked about and gossiped by every demon in the camp of how dangerous he was. I remember when I witnessed the truth of the gossip, I had walked into the training chamber where we were self taught to train. I entered to find that he had another demon trooper pinned up against the weaponry wall. The room was set up with large burnt targets and a steel barrier between each one to aim better, like a gun tester shooting set up. He had a mouth that hung open like a serpent consuming its large prize of prey. His mouth had been glowing in a swirling purple like a black hole with his jaw opened wide displaying shadowed sharp teeth dripping with a toxic green saliva that sprayed out as he was yelling at the pinned trooper in demonic tongues and dropped him. I remember him snapping his neck at me letting out a sonic wave that shook the ground beneath us then demanded an answer to what I was looking at in English that we had been taught to use. The trooper he had pinned sprinted off out the door and I was left alone with him. His jaw closed with an unnaturally loud crunching and clicking as we stared at each other scrutinizing each others appearance, thats when we had our moment, his eyes widened as did mine at our realization. We were in love.
We weren't meant to be... we both knew, two male demons together? Forbidden. We looked away from each other and he rubbed his arm. We were alone and he walked up to me taking my hands in his making a cute expression with his eyes (^ ^) . I figured he didn't have a mouth unless it was intended to kill or scare someone in self defense. Before Anti had chosen Jacks body, he honestly looked similar to what he was now, apart from the fact he was a black shadow figure...He still glitched back then...just not as badly as he does now, guess it was a side affect of possessing. He no longer had the capability to widen his jaw to reveal black teeth, now only human teeth. He had dark green hair in a sort of messy fashion and glowing green eyes that sometimes would flicker between blue and green. They weren't human like eyes though in the underworld, no one had human eyes, just balls of light in a socket basically or no eyes at all. Anti had no visible mouth so the only way I could tell his emotions was through his eyes. I was no different from him, I was darkness, I had a very similar form to him, human like figure but made of a grey shadow instead of a black shadow like him. I had red hair that was a flame though and I had a mouth... But it was always visible, I had no lips or form to hide my grey teeth, my eyes were black with flaming red pupils.
We had to hide our love, keep it a secret having to express ourselves in private like in the bathrooms where no one or no cameras were watching us. Whenever we ate in the cafeteria, he would either narrow his eye meaning "Your stupid", "Shut up before I murder you" or he was "annoyed/ angry". If his eyes curved upwards closed (looks like ^ ^) he was laughing, smiling, trying to look cute or telling me "I love you". He was hard to understand to everyone else,but I liked that, because it made it only I understood him and we could understand each other keeping our secret.
We weren't meant to be lovers, according to the demon elders all because were different breeds of demon and both males; I was darkness and he was a shadow glitch demon.
Thats why we could never go home again, we were stuck on the mid plain because we were banished for betrayal to demon elders laws. They will kill us if we returned. I loved him and I still love him. Im never giving up on him, nothing will ever change that...But right now... I didn't want to live like this. Without Anti... I was nothing.
I hated myself more than my enemies hated he, I am my own biggest enemy. Everyone at the army camp was against me for being one of the strongest just under Anti who was the strongest trooper.
Then again.. I had no "friends" ... but hey, who needs friends? I have the love of my demon life in your undead life.

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