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Authors note
Hey guys! Hope you're all have an awesome countdown to 2017's christmas! I won't be able to update other stories including this one till after the New Year after this part as Im going away on holiday for a week and a half, so that will be fun; no wifi, no cellphone reception just a beach and fresh air for dayssss. Hope you're enjoying this story... One or Two maybe Three more chapters to go after this one depending how much I get through for this chapter and the other ones :3 So this will be the last chapter for this year, more to come after the new year! Oh and I should tell you all that I've decided that I will write a sequel or prequel depending on what you guys would like. Would love comment suggestions on what the book should be called, anything really, I don't mind. Or even if  you want, it could be a chapter name, your choice.
Well this is my gift to you guys, so Merry Christmas :D a 5000+ word story!
Hope you all get what you wished for whether thats gifts, family or friends for christmas and enjoy your new years too with family and friends. <3 you all buh-bye

Anti's POV
"Oh right..." Dark said rubbing his 'chin'. Suddenly before I could react a fire ball meteor from the commander struck me in the back. I fell to the ground beneath it unable to push it off. "ANTI!" Dark yelled running over to me trying to push it off.

"Dark just go! At Least one of us will live!" I said in a wheeze. It was heavy on top on me and we could see the commander closing in.

Darks POV
"I can't just leave you Anti! Not after all we've been through!" I cried yanking at his arm in attempt to free him. I failed and panted as I gave up throwing his arm away frustrated that I can't leave him. This can't be happening, I can't loose him! Not now not ever. I looked down at Anti freaking out that this can't be real. Anti gave me an annoyed scowl as I tried to shove the boulder off using my back against the boulder trapping Anti using my legs to push... I struggled as minutes passed and those minutes lead into less time for the commander to have to chase us... But It was no use, I couldn't get it off him alone.

"Dark its no use, run. Go" he said calmly to me in a depressed tone as he laid his head down on the ground on his crossed arms in front of him. His body was trapped, he was trapped and neither of us could free him.

"Anti please, please just let me help you" I cried again, begging him to let me stay as I kept continuing to change positions to push at the boulder. None of them worked. I tried a shoulder barge that didn't work, only achieving a sore shoulder.

"Dark just go!" Anti screamed at me as the commander got closer. I shot Anti a begging glance begging him not to send me away. Anti gave me an angry glare in return.

"Anti come on the amount of times you've given me that look, it changes nothing-"

"Go Dark! Run! Just go!!" He interrupted me in a full out yell. He wants me to go...but I just can't bring myself to run. His voice was harsh and cold with no mercy or persuading. He was demanding me to run. Tears dribbled down my face then off my chin as more replaced them down the same journey.

"Anti... Please" my voice went high pitched with tears and I fell to my knees in front of him. He pushed with all his effort at the extinguished fireball, working as a heavy boulder. He gave up and let out a sigh from effort and began the same things again.
"I said Go! Run Dark! Listen to me!" I turned and looked at the open path ahead to run, then up at the Commander closing in, then down at Anti who shoved at the rock. I felt a panic attack coming on, this wasn't the best time for this... Thoughts ran through my head in a jumble like a one hundred thousand piece puzzle.
You need to run, he's getting closer.
He's trapped and needs your help.
You heard Anti. Run you idiot!
You can't leave your love.
Even if you run you will still be caught.
Try help Anti out.
But you need Anti... He's the one person you need in my life to do anything.

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