Part 3

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Hey everyone, early update as I'm extremely busy this week and some of next week. Enjoy part three!
Remember if you want more, comment or favorite this story I will continue making new chapters and stories! Thanks guys means a lot!
Have a great day!
Chapter 16
Jack sat in the park, alone and unable to process his emotions. He watched as kids wearing roller skates played inline hockey, celebrating with every goal. Families rode their bikes through the park, giggling and laughing at each others jokes. Couples sat on picnic blankets or under shaded trees on the grass cuddling and smooching each other. Jack couldn't help but feel pathetic
"that could of been us" he sobbed under his breath. Ethan had had an argument with Jack.

Flash back
Ethan argued with Jack about AntiSepticeye causing him agonizing pain as his injuries healed. The holes still left in both his shoulders with stitches holding them together. Scars on his neck and face remand a constant reminder of what Antisepticeye was capable of. Mark had gotten involved in the argument and torn them apart from their scrap. Ethan had Jack pinned to the wall and held Jack there with his hands on both of Jacks wrists so he couldn't punch and split his legs so Jack couldn't kick at him. Jack spat at Ethan earning a hard punch to the gut from him making him wince pathetically with a groan. Ethan continued to yell and scream furiously in Jacks face until Mark had entered the room seeing what was happening. Mark got pissed and the argument heated as Ethan lunged at Jack unexpectedly pinning him to the ground and socking him in the Jaw leaving a red mark and likely a bruise later. Mark yelled furiously at them both and told Jack to leave pointing at the door. Jack accepted his decision and stormed out with a hurt heart into the clouded day.
Chapter 17
Hours passed and still Jack chose not to move from the park bench. It had begun raining about ten minutes ago, but he had been to deep in thought to realise. His green hair was rain slicked down his face and annoyingly eye catching as it slicked to the top of his eyes. His clothing were soaked, his black and grey jersey now darker shades, his white shirt see through and his blue jeans dripping into his green converses. They had septic eye Sam as the logos on each pair that a fan had made for him. Jack shivered as the down pour hardened its pressure hurting like hail and a wind picked up. He still refused to move though, in fact he couldn't move. He felt too much as a pathetic, pitied child who had just stolen money and received a beating as punishment for being caught. He continued to be statue like on the bench, the rain dribbled down his face hiding the tears that flowed freely.
"No point hiding them if they can be hidden with this fookin' rain" Jack murmured under his breath. Everyone had left running once the rain had started, he was alone watching the rain fall down his hands to the ground. That was until Mark and Ethan were heard, he spotted two figures in the distance entering the park. The rain was so heavy it worked like a disguise for Jack. All he and they could see was figures. Jack panicked knowing they were looking for him as they began shouting his name. Jacks heart raced and adrenaline kicked in faster than his body could cope. Jack scurried up the tree behind him using the seat as a stool. Pulling himself up with all his strength and adreniline. He slowed his breathing and racing heart not wanting to be found. Hoping his green hair would blend in with the leaves of the tree. Their voices continued never ending, calling his name. Jack winced at the hurt that hit him. His emotions bombarding him again, he held these tears back knowing they were a full crying of torture that wouldn't let him have a breath.

Chapter 18
They continued calling out, splitting up and passing his hiding place many suspensing (made a word that fits) times. Making his heart stop as Mark came close to finding him. Looking directly at him, not knowing if he saw him. Mark lifted his head higher and squinted at the tree. "Shite he sees me!" Jack whispered under his breath trying to climb higher. Rustling the branches he grabbed at by accident, giving himself away.
"Jack?" Marks voice was loud but barely hearable through the rain that hit the leaves of the tree. Jack turned his head and looked down at Mark who continued to stare into the tree, cupping his mouth to amplify his words.
"Jack, please if thats you. Give me a sign. We've been looking all over town for you. Its 5:30pm. You've been gone since 8:00 am. Were worried sick!"
Jack felt a tsunami of pity, causing him to grip on a mossy tree branch that snapped from his weight. Jack was left free falling (song pun) thudding on branches underneath him that snapped, swearing loudly unable to grab another branch to stop his fall.
'Oh fookin' jesus christ please catch me when I fall'
Jack wished but instead found himself to swear one last time before landing on a solid branch. The impact took his breath away, the branch shook and caught him in its fork shape, suspending his body in the air unconscious from smashing his head against the branch. His body faced up towards the clouds, head dropped back and down behind his shoulders in Marks direction. Jacks mouth open from the impact and whip lash that laced all his muscles in his neck. His limp arms slung over the outer branches of the fork. His legs caught in branches above him.
"Jack! Oh god! Fuck! Shit! ETHAN!" Mark yelled panicked, trying to reach up to Jack. He was to high for Mark to reach him. Ethan ran to his side seeing Jack suspended in the tree looking like a hanging corpse. Ethan tried grabbing him, failing to do so.
"What the fuck happened?! Is he dead!?"
Ethan sounded as equally panicked but not at a crying point like Mark was. Lightning lit up the sky and the park, showing that Jacks injuries were instant and likely deadly. Bruises all across his neck and face with his fingers having chafe marks and blisters. Thunder shook the ground and all three bodies. Shaking the tree, causing one of Jacks arms to fall limply beside his head.
"Jack was hiding in the tree from us and he must of grabbed a weak branch and fell" Marks voice raised pitch with panic and tears. "We can't just leave him here like this to get help, and if we use our phones they aren't water proof."
"You stay with Jack, I'll get help, theres a fire station just down that road." At that Ethan ran giving Mark no chance to respond.
"You'll be ok Jack" Mark sat on the bench. Lightning lit the park again and thunder echoed after but not as violent.

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