We fight! (Final chapter)

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Hey guys, Im okay now. I just needed time to process and understand something that had me broken inside for a while. This is the final chapter, so enjoy it!

Jacks POV
"Thanks guys. Lets just hope they win" I said with a smile turning back to the screen watching as Anti ran to Darks side and they charged at the commander wielding their swords high. Mark and Tyler following close behind as they all let out a war cry and all the soldiers still alive joined the charged at the Commander with them.

Anti's POV
I can't believe this is it. This is really it. This was exactly it. The battle between our life and our torturing slavery death. The fight looked impressive as I ran at Darks side as we led Mark and Tyler with us into battle. Straight for the commander that had just sent four soldiers flying. They screamed over head landing with a thud against the base behind us, groaning. I winced hearing their groans and coughs knowing they would be injured but I didn't care. Im Anti for fuck sakes! When do I care about others apart from Dark?!
Darks anger deepened and his eyes flared red flames as he let out a war cry with saliva and spittle flying from his mouth. Mark and Tyler watched as Dark continued to change as he charged at the commander full speed rage slitting down the commanders leg. Darks body became a living red flame as he continued to slice at the commander. The Commander let out a roar of agony as Darks silver sword dug into the flesh on his rib as Dark pulled himself up onto the Commanders back. Mark tilted his head at me as I pointed at Dark then me, clearly not understanding what I was meaning. Words drowned out within the commotion so I'd given up trying to speak. A sigh left my mouth before I rolled my human eyes and did as Dark did and let my anger corrupt me. My eyes flared green flames as my teeth sharpened and turned to a side grin.
Jacks body couldn't do exactly what I wanted to though because you know... Its human. My war cry ripped through the commotions making the soldiers freeze at my un human roar. I lifted my sword above my head then lowered it to the commander and screamed my words that I knew could be my final words and their final hearing.
They yelled war cries all at once and charged behind me with Mark and Tyler following close behind me in front of the soldiers behind us. Dark was wrestling the Commanders head as we all reached him. Dark body slammed the Commander by his head with an earthquake beneath us as making a few of the soldiers fall with a clunk of their armor. 
"Get up!" I yelled as I joined Darks side pointing at the satan cross we'd prepared to end him with.  He nodded at me and used his sword to point at the cross. All the soldiers turned their heads to where the sword was pointing and ran towards the Commander getting under him trying to lift him. He weighed too much for the amount of people we had. Then it hit me... I had a choice of death or death, so I took death. I whispered a sorry to Dark. He turned and gave me a look of confusion wording "what?" With his lips as I shook my head. Suddenly his eyes widened and he must've understood what I was going to do.

"Anti, no! You will kill yourself out here if you do it! Don't do it!" He yelled at me and as he wrestled the commanders head to keep him down as he tossed his body in Darks grip. I lowered my gaze then looked over at Mark with a pleading look indicating for him to come here. He nodded and ran to me. I wrapped his arms around me as he blushed. A shaky breath left my lips before I shut my eyes. I entered Jacks head again hearing all the other personalities yelling at me aggressively at what I was doing. I ignored them and sprinted to where the token was with tears in my eyes knowing this would be the end of me.

"Anti, whats going on?" I spun to find Jack behind me with concern on his face. I shook my head refusing to speak as I went to slap the token. Jack grabbed my wrist and pulled it away demanding an answer as he stared into my eyes. I lowered my gaze and spoke in a murmur under my breath.

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