The nightmare of awaken

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Mark POV
I woke up in a cold sweat and panic. My heart raced and I looked around where I was, I was still in the fort with the guys. I found Jack close to my side looking more adorable than ever. His head lay on his crossed arms lying on his stomach, his whole body lay out stright, his mouth slightly open but jaw closed. 
I smiled seeing him sleeping peacefully for once without being disturbed by a nightmare. I pulled him closer and his lips pulled up into a smile in his sleep. I looked over at Tyler and Ethan, Ethan was lying on his back with his arms crossed over his chest. Tyler looked was asleep the same position Jack was. I lay my head back down gazing with loving eyes and smile at Jack. I played with his hair twirling my fingers in it then drifting my hand down his silky skin on his face. "So cute" I whispered.

Jacks eyes shot open and he woke up screaming "Fookin Jesus Christ" his usual 'I WAS SCARED' phrase. His scream woke the others up.

"Jack are you ok!?" I ask him. He looks around of where he is with wide eyes. His chest moving with quick short breaths.
He stared at me with blank eyes, he was in panic. I repeated "Jack are you ok?" This time he shook his head quickly and stared at the ground in front of him. Jack within minutes sat up and buried his head in his knees having his arms wrapped around his legs pulling them into his chest allowing himself to sulk his life out. He rocked himself like a baby cradle using his feet to begin the rocking motion and his bottom to balance and not fall.
Me and Tyler exchanged a worried look while Ethan was struggling to wake up. I hesitantly crawled to Jacks side and rubbed his back soothingly in circles. Jack looked up at me with a frightened expression. I places my arm around him in attempt to provide comfort him.
Whatever he had dreamt about had him shaken to the core.
He dived at me and buried his head in my chest, swinging his arms around me and strangling me in a hug.
"Its ok Sèan, Im here your ok shh. Breathe" I said in my deep voice that seemed to always sooth the broken Irish boy. Jack pulled his face out of my chest and looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy, his pale cheeks, tear soaked and stained.
He pulled away from my chest and took in deep breaths and coughed a few times before he stopped and apologized for waking us all up.
We all accepted his apology as we watched him shaking and shivering with his eyes moving rather quickly side to side and he had a heavy sweat that was soaking his clothes.
I pat his hair and stroked his cheek telling him he's ok now and he could go back to sleep but he refused to like a kindergarten child. Jack crawled to the opposite side of the bed; still under the massive blanket fort Ethan and him had constructed then laid down on his side, his face away from the bed. He curled himself up in a ball and shut his eyes.

I was worried about him, I really was. Whatever happened in that dream had him shaking in his boots. I crawled over to him as Tyler laid his head back down and put his arm around Ethan who was already back asleep again, so Tyler shut his eyes falling asleep. I crawled around the corner of the bed finding Jack had disappeared and only the empty blackness of where he was remained. I looked around the area where he had been finding a small puddle of blood with a knife that I had no idea Ethan and Tyler even had in their room then shoot a glare back at Tyler and Ethan's sleeping bodies. 
A voice filled the room in a distant glitch that has shaken me. Its too familiar... "One... Two... Anti's coming for you"
I hissed under my voice 'Anti' then quickly woke Tyler and Ethan up with my finger pressed against my lips warning them to stay quiet then raised my hand to cup behind my ear indicating to listen.
A hushed voice repeated what I was thinking.

Tylers POV
I am scared out my mind right now. Im panicing and not knowing what was happening. Mark had woken us up with his finger to his lip and cupped his hand over his ear showing us to listen.
I looked at Ethan seeing we were both frightened and fully awake as we all crawled slowly into a sitting up positions listening. We were all scared I could tell as we all looked around the room waiting for the next set of words.
"I'm dead...I don't feel so good" Jacks distant and muffled voice echoed the still air of the room. I was confused on what was happening still. The terror covering my vision setting its own dark camera lens darkening the room to utterly nothing. All I could see was Ethan and Mark and some of the blankets outlines.

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