part 1

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There will be different POVs throughout the fanfic, just thought I'd tell you so you don't get confused.

No one's POV

Marionettes legs were almost a blur as she sped through the school only just stopping outside her classroom. Most people would be panting hard by that long run but marionette was fast and had a lot more stamina from her adventures as ladybug.

She silently made her way into classroom, almost undetected by the teacher who's back was facing her as she swiftly entered. The students didn't pay her much attention as she rushed in as this was the norm. Alya her best friend silently chuckled at her consistent lateness and asked "What excuse is it this time girl? Or did you just over sleep again?" Marinette grined sheepishly and awkwardly scratched her neck. "Oh well I was just up all night thinking about stuff." Her friend raised an eyebrow at her poor excuse but decided to drop the topic. The truth was that she was busy battling an akuma almost all night but she didn't say that.

Alya began talking about something but her lovestruck friend wasn't listening, instead she was stairing at Adrien her crush with adoration. Alya stopped and sighed when she saw that marionette wasn't listening. "I can't believe you, why don't you just ask him out? It can't be that difficult." Mari shook her head fiercely. "No way! I'm a stuttering mess around him. Besides it's a lot harder than it looks." Alya laughed. "I bet it's not, only you have that problem Mari."

Mari frowned at her and huffed. "Prove it then." "W-what?" Alyas eyes widened and she shook her hands in front of her face. "No! I Can't..I don't..aghh." Mari grinned victoriously. "If you want me to believe you then prove it. Ask nino out by the end of the week and I'll tell Adrien how I feel."

Now it was Alya who grinned. "Fine, but you have to promise to tell Adrien if I tell nino." "Promise." They shook on it and burst out laughing at there childishness making the teacher turn round and shoosh them both.

The next day marionette was on time for school and she felt great as she sat down nice and early. There hadn't been an akuma attack and Mari was greatful that she had had the time last night to finish her homework and get to bed early. She nudged her friend with a playful wink when nino walked in and Alya blushed.

"There wasn't any akuma attacks yesterday." Alya said disappointed. "Why is that a bad thing?" Mari said quietly as the teacher had just walked in. "I wanted to make a new update for my blog." She complained making her friend laugh. "Of course you'd be worried about that." Both of them laughed together and continued talking about random things while Adrien sat in his chair zoning out.

He told himself that he wasn't eavesdropping but he had been listening to what the girls were saying for he too was sad that there hadn't been an akuma attack. Of course it was tiring and ment he had to rush all the time to fit in the superhero life with his tight routine but it was worth it to see his lady, the confident and brave girl that he adored from the moment that he'd met her. He sat there thinking about her smile and beautiful bluebell eyes that he could get lost in all day untill the teacher banged on his desk making him jump up startled. She scowled at him for not paying attention but didn't say anything as she continued her lesson.

At lunch marionette was gathering her books out of her locker when chloe pushed her over. "Looks like maritrash is just as clumsy as ever." The blond brat noticed a picture of Adrien in her locker and began to laugh tauntingly. "Hahahha as if Adrien will ever like you! Honestly your such a disappointment." She walked off laughing while Mari stood up and quickly shut her locker feeling embarrassed and heart broken. What if chloe's right? She asked herself pitifully. Of course Adrien would never like someone like me. Her heart felt like it was breaking and she found it impossible to keep tears from falling. She ran from the school all the way home and buried her face in her pillow while sobbing loudly. Tiki patted her on the head and whispered encouraging words to her, assuring her that chloe was wrong. "It's ok, I'm sure that you'll find someone else anyway. Maybe it is time to move on."

Marinette stopped crying when there was a knock at her trap door. She hadn't seen Adrien when she ran past him and out of the school and unknown to her he'd transformed and followed after her to make sure she was ok when he saw her tears. "Hey purrincess." The cat purred as he dropped into her bedroom. "Oh chat, what brings you here?" He grinned flirtatiously and winked at her. "A little birdie told me that you were upset so I came to make meow feel better." Mari laughed at the bad puns and patted the bed next to her. "I'm pawsitive that my bed is much more comfy than standing up." Mari mentally slapped herself for making a pun but chat looked elated so she smiled instead. Chat sat down while Mari pulled out her laptop and together they watched movies all night while eating popcorn.

Marionette wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep but her alarm woke her up to an empty bedroom. She sighed knowing that chat had a normal life to live as well and began getting ready for school. When she arrived she sat down next to Alya in her usual spot and laughed at her friend who was stairing at Nino. "Cmon, just ask him out." She said excitedly. Marionette thought that they'd make a great couple and was determined to see then together. "NO!" Alya cried out making Nino and Adrien turn round. "What's wrong?" Nino asked in confusion. Alya panicked and pinched Mari under the table. "N-nothing me and Mari were just talking about.. uh ladybug! Yeah that's it."

Adrien suddenly seemed interested and Mari's face went read in imbarissment at her crushes attention. "Yeah, I really wanna know who she is!" His enthusiasm startled Marionette who suddenly felt jealous of her alter ego. Alya began to discuss theorys with Adrien as Nino stared off into space while secretly admiring Alya. To him she was the prettiest girl in the world, even ladybug couldn't compare herself to the bravery of Alya. Mari noticed and squealed loudly at the thought of her OTP, making Nino ask her why she was so exsited. She laughed nervously and replyed with a "nothing" Before Nino went back to day dreaming about Alya.

"So." Marinette cut in to the conversation. "Do you guys wanna go swimming with me and Alya on saturday?" Nino nodded and Adrien checked his schedule before agreeing, Mari felt proud at herself for talking to her crush without stuttering while Alya was melting at the thought of asking Nino out on Saturday. She sunk into her chair and hid her face while muttering curses at Mari who had obviously set her up.

(Hey! I'm going to be updating around three times a week untill the book is finished. Sorry for taking so long to get this out but I was busy with another book that I need to finish by Christmas for my sister. If you have any questions then don't be afraid to ask, make sure to follow me and check out some of my undertale books aswell.)

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