part 6

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Adrien/Chats POV

Her eyes sparkled and she smiled, saying the words that made my heart leap. "I love you too." We stayed on the top of Paris together for a while untill it began to get cold and I stood up. "C'mon, let's go back." She entwined our hands and I picked her up, loving the feeling of her body against mine.

Once she was back on her balcony I set her down and gave her one last kiss before dashing off into the night, sneaking one last glance at her before making it to my house. Once I was there I detransformed and squealed loudly in happiness. Plag groaned at my love sick expression and went to my draw, nibbling on the canernbert that was there. I slowly fell asleep and dreamed peacefully, unaware that someone had been watching everything that has just happened and was plotting revenge.

I opened my eyes slowly and yawned looking at my clock. Holy shit I'm late! I jumped out of bed and shoved my clothes on then grabbed my bag and tried to combe my hair down, it was still all frizzy from sleeping. I called out "Plag! Where are you, I need to go." Until he flew out of my bed and groaned. "What do you w-" I cut him off as I grabbed him and shoved him into my bag as he complained.

I skipped breakfast and rushed out the door, quickly jumping in the car that was waiting for me. We pulled up outside the school and I managed to get to class on time although I really wish I'd had breakfast now. My stomach growled and I sighed, today was going to be a long day. Or that's what I thought until Marinette came in looking as beautiful as ever.

She sat down and I wished that I was the one sitting behind her so that I could gaze at her all day. In my hands were the tickets, so I did what any gentleman would do and turned round to Mari and Alya. "Hey guys, I got 4 tickets to a dance and I was wondering if you'd all like to come." I actually only really wanted Mari to come but it would be really suspicious if I invited her and no one else. Alya smiled wildly, "Yes that would be so cool! Thanks Adrien." Nino said yes as well but I was only interested in what Mari said. "Sure, when is it?"

I grinned feeling my heart flutter at her voice. "It's at the weekend on Saturday." Alya wrote it down in her phone aswell but suddenly looked alarmed as she grabbed Marinette's shoulder. "I don't have anything to wear!" She cried out, Marinette smiled "chill Alya, you can come over my house tonight and I'll design one for you and sew before the dance." Alya squealed and grabbed her friends hand shouting 'thank you' a bunch of times excitedly.

I didn't realise that I'd began stairing at her untill Nino waved a hand in found of my face and laughed. "Looks like someone's fallen in love." He teased. I slapped a hand over his mouth in alarm that the girls might have heared. "Shush! I don't want her to know." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully and I shoved him muttering "Shut up." In embarrassment.

As class began I got lost in thought, still thinking about the dance. Should I ask Marinette to go with me? Or would she think that it was weird? "-ats the answer Adrien?" I looked up at the teacher and gulped. "Uhhh." I looked at the board and then back at my book. "Uhhh hydrogen?" Someone in the class sniggered as the teacher sighed. "Adrien this isn't chemistry this is maths. Please pay attention." My face heated up in embarrassment and I looked down at my desk. "Yes miss, sorry." She nodded and continued with the lesson that I began to listen to.

"Homework is on page 17, it needs to be done by next lesson." The agonising day was finally over and my classmates all started filing out until only me, Marinette and Nathaniel were left. Nathaniel stood up and clutched a peace of paper to his hand timidly then tapped Mari on the shoulder. "H-hey Marinette. Um I w-wanted to give you this." He passed her the paper then covered his face in a blushing mess. Marinette shrugged and looked at the paper, as her eyes scanned across it she smiled, her cheeks going red.

I stood up and walked over to her feeling uncomfortable in this situation and jealous at Nathanial. "Hey Marinette." She shoved the paper in her pocket before I could see it and picked up her bag. "Yes?" "Will you uhh..." I suddenly felt anxious and shifted my weight onto my other foot to balance myself while leaning on the desk. "Will you go to the dance with me?" I managed to blurt out, probably looking like moron.

My cheeks flared up and I somehow heard Alya squealing from outside the school but I didn't pay attention to her, my anxiety was making me feel like I was in a heater and I was dreading what she was going to say. "Sure." I grinned and breathed out a sigh of relief mumbling 'thank god' under my breath. "Thanks Marinette, I promise you won't regret it." She smiled at me then stood up and gathered her things, "I need to get going, see you tommorow." "Yeah, bye Mari."

She left the classroom but I still continued to stare at the doorway that she'd recently left with a humongous smile spread across my face. However I was unfortunately snapped out of my daze when I felt a cold glare from beside me. I looked to see Nathanial who was frowning at me, as soon as I glared back he scoffed and walked up to me. "Listen Adrien, you broke her heart once and I don't plan on letting you do that a second time so back off if you know what's good for you." He stormed out before I could respond but he must realise that I'm not going to give up that easily, no. I will win Marinette's heart as Adrien and chat noir.

(I'm so sorry! 😢😭 I haven't updated recently and I know it's been ages! Lots of birthdays are coming up so I'm making lots of presents but I'll get the next chapter up as soon as possible.

ALSO! Someone kindly informed me that I've spelt 'Marinette' wrong a few times so sorry about that, I'll go back and correct them, if I do make mistakes then please tell me and I'm sorry about it. ( I'm really bad at spelling, so bad that I think I might have dyslexia, thank God for autocorrect or else it would be awful.)

Spoiler alert!

I'll give you a spoiler for the next chapter since it may take a while. The Evilistater (is that how you spell it?) is back in action and holds lots of resentment, things will get a little bit dangerous for Chat Noir! 

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