part 2

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Marionettes POV

I rushed around grabbing my things with joy and nervousness, today was the day that me and Alya were finally going to confess to our crushes! I ran out the door gidily and sped over to Alyas house with excitement. "Hey girl!" She said happily and I quealed. "I'm so nervous! " She smiled and hugged me. "Things are gonna be different after today Mari, I know they will and Adrien will finally see how amazing you are." I hugged her tighter with a huge grin on my face. "Thanks Alya, your the best friend ever!"

There was a knock on the door and I rushed to open it while grinning widely. Adrien was standing there with his hand stuffed into his pocket and a down expression on his perfect face that was obviously not ment to be there. "Let's go." He said quietly and I grabbed Alyas bag before skipping out the door. Nino was in the car already so I slipped in and sat next to him, only because it was convenient. I would of preferred to have be sitting next to my love but it didn't matter.

We arrived at the pool so the boys went to get changed while me and Alya changed into our swimwear. I was wearing a red swimsuit with black spots. It was inspired by ladybug... or me rather. Alya grinned when she saw me. "I didn't know you were a fan of ladybug." "I'm not, I just think that this design looked cool, that's all." After Alya had changed into her light orange swimsuit we went to the pool. I blushed so hard that ,you face was almost red when I saw Adrien in his trunks, his perfect body on view and his gorgeous hair shiny into the light. Alya was gaping at Nino as well but we managed to make it over to them without a nose bleed.

"H-hey g-guys." I stuttered horribly before tearing my eyes away from his six-pack. "Wow, Alya you look great." Nino gasped but then quickly blushed and shook his head. "You too Marionette, you both look great. A-anyway let's just uh get in the pool. I ran to the edge and dived in only making a very small splash. "Ohhhhh my gosh Alya get in here! It's so warm!" She laughed and pushed Nino in with a smile, he plugged under the water and when he came up he was coughing water. "No fair! I wasn't expecting that." Alya rolled her eyes and jumped in while Adrien just walked in, boring much. Where was his usual enthusiasm?

We swam around in the pool for a while until we got hungry and decided to leave to go get lunch. "This is it!" Alya whispered, partly excited but mostly nervous as we got changed. "I'm not sure about this..." I spoke quietly but she heard me anyway. "C'mon girl, it'll be fine you'll feel so much better." I nodded and prepared myself for the most terrifying moment of my life.

"H-hey, I n-need to t-talk to you A-adrien." He stood up and together we walked away from Nino and Alya to the café. "So, what do you want?" I took a deep breath and forced myself to stop shaking. "IreallylikeyouAdrienandithinkyourgreatandamazingwillyougooutwithme?" He stood there dumfounded and lost for a moment. "What? Slow down." I took a deep breath and spoke slower. "I love you Adrien, everything about you is amazing, your my whole world and I'd love it if you'd go out with me."

My chest felt like other was on fire while I waited for his response that actually only took a second in reality but felt like an eternity to me. "Listen Marinette, I'll never like you that way, I like someone else ok? Just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to deal with you and your pathetic feelings. 

In that moment my whole world crashed down on me and I ran off not even looking back as I ran into the busy streets, tears blurred my vision and I felt my heart crack as I ran faster to get away from it all, away from reality. I continued untill I collapsed in an ally from exhaustion then sunk to the ground and sobbed into my hands, his harsh words replaying over and over in my head untill I couldn't hear anything else.

I stayed there for hours untill it was dark and I could feel the coldness on my feat, it was once I'd finally calmed down that I realised I'd left my phone and purse with Alya and that I was completely lost. I stood up shakily and walked around in the cold night trying to find a clue as to where I was and how I was going to get back home.

As I was walking a shadow loomed behind me and grabbed my shoulder. I screamed from panic and punched the mysterious figure in the face. He groaned and my eyes widened as I saw that it was the one and only chat noir. "Well that's one way to great me purrincess." He said whilst rubbing his cheak. "Oh! I'm so sorry chat, I didn't mean too hurt you I was just surprised and-" He cut me off with his hand against my lips. "It's ok."

I blushed in embarrassment and awkwardly tried to think of a conversation. "So... what are you doing out here at this time?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "I should ask you the same thing." "Oh well I'm kinda lost..." I trailed off when I thought about what Adrien had said and desperately hoped that my fake smile didn't waver. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?" His question caught me off guard and I swallowed anxiously. "I don't know what your talking about." He knew I was lying, he could probably see it in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that my face was still damp from the tears."

"You know you can tell me, I'll listen." I took a deep breath. "Well I confessed to a guy that I really like but he rejected me and... a-and-" I burst into tears again just thinking about it and to my surprise chat pulled me closer and hugged me, tears running down his own face aswell. "I'm sorry." He whispered into my shoulder. "Why are you saying sorry? It's not your fault." He stayed silent and we stood still, enjoying each others warmth and comfort till I pulled apart. "I should really get going now, my parents will worry if I'm gone much longer."

I looked around trying to figure out how to get home when Chat swept me off my feat. "I'll give you a lift." He said while smiling then used his baton to jump over the buildings with speed. I held onto him whilst the air whipped past me, the feeling of freedom swept over me and I giggled in excitement as we landed on my roof. "Thanks." I breathed out in gratitude. "His eyes gazed into mine and we stayed stairing at each other untill he let go of my hand and jumped way into the night. I sighed, sorta missing his warmth and went back inside before jumping into bed and falling into an unsettled sleep.

(Sorry it took so long! I'm very busy but I'll try and get the next one out as soon as I can. If there are any spelling errors then I apologise, I'm writing this quite late at night and I'm tired so it's hard to see spelling mistakes, especially since my phones autocorrect doesn't work properly. Anyway hope you enjoyed and see ya soon.)   

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