part 9

29 2 13

#### POV
I watched carefully into the bed room window and grinned, things have just gotten a whole lot more interesting.
Hahahah this is to good to be true, I'll show them who the real liar is! But timing is key and luckily I'm a patient person. Just you wait Chat noir, I'll have my revenge.

Marinette's POV

I yawned and stretched slowly, still not fully wanting to get up yet but at the same time knew that if I didn't get up now I'd most likely fall back asleep again. My thoughts traveled back to last night and a sigh escaped my lips, Chat Noir really was the best partner ever, I really should have given him a chance earlier.

Well there's no point in dwelling on the past, and with that thought in mind I headed to school with a spring in my step.

Alya was there waiting for me at the lockers and I smiled when I saw her, giving her a hug.

"Hey Alya." She brought out her phone and waved it in front of me with a mischievous grin. "Look at this girl." I brought the phone closer to my face and let out a horrified gasp, it was a photo of me and Chat noir last night kissing! "Oh no this is bad." I mumbled under my breath. Alya really wasn't helping my current anxiety with her questions.

"So how long have you been going out, do you love him? Why didn't you tell me?" I groaned and dragged a hand down my face. "Can you just give a moment to think about this? Who even took that picture... it wasn't you was it?" I sincerely hoped that she wouldn't evade my privacy like that so I was more than relieved when she said "No girl, of course not! I'd never let out information like this no matter how awsome I think it is."

"This is not awesome Alya." I shook my head in dismay and watched her confusion. "Of course it is, now you can have an open relationship with him since everyone now knows that you like each other. It's a shame that my OTP won't be happening though." She mumbled the last part and I just decided to ignore it in my upset. "No this is a terrible thing! He's a super hero and I'll be put in a lot of danger." Not to mention that if I'm caught by howkmoth ladybug won't be around to save the day.

Alya's grin turned into a concerned frown when she realised that what I was saying was true, but before I could continue I was pulled into to a bone crushing hug. "I won't let any danger come to you!" I smiled slightly by her words but was still very worried on the inside.

"Your right, I'm sure it'll be fine and if I do get into trouble Chat noir will be there to save me." She put her phone back in her pocket as the bell rung for class "and ladybug too, see? Everything will turn out just fine." I hummed in response and chuckled under my breath of the irony of that statement, ah well, I'll give Alya the benefit of the doubt.

We arrived in the classroom on time (for once) and sat in our usual places as the lesson began. I tuned the teacher out as I thought about last night and an involuntary blush spread across my face. Adrien was in front of me (as usual) but me and Alya had noticed that he'd been acting strange all morning for some unknown reason and Alya was determined to figure it out.

"Do you think something happeded to him yesterday? She asked for about the fith time this morning. "I don't know! If you're that interested then why don't you just ask him?" She shook her head, drumming her fingers on the desk lost in thought until she grinned wildly and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"He's in LOVE!!!"

My heart stopped as she said this and my eyes widened in disbelief, unable to comprehend the words coming out her mouth. "Are you sure?" I finally said after the silence had dragged on as long as it possibly could have.

"Yep!" She said popping the 'p'. "It all makes sense, that's why he's been so unfocused recently. Not to mention the fact that he keeps disappearing from time to time mysteriously. He's seeing a girl!"

I didnt know why, I couldn't understand why but as soon as she had said this is felt an aching pain in my chest, so tight that I could bearly breath. I shook my hands and trying to focas on my thoughts to figure out what I was feeling, why did that information hurt so much? I'm already in love with Chat, I thought I'd moved on from Adrien. Was I... jealous?

"Are you ok?" Alya asked, snapping my thoughts baking into reality. "Hmm, yeah I'm fine." I lied quickly and put on a smile, trying to ignore the burning sensation inside me as I glanced at Adrien.

"Ok, so do you want to help me find out?" I looked at her with confusion, all thoughts from earlier disappearing as I concentrated on what she was asking. "How are we going to do that?" She grinned wildly and clasped her hands together in excitement. "We'll follow him off course!" I stopped and looked at her as if she was crazy, which she probably is. "What! We can't go round stalking people! That's a complete invasion of privacy." She shrugged me off with a wave of her hand. "It'll be fine, besides don't you want to know who he looooooves?" She made a kiss face and I laughed. "Ok, but I'm only doing this because I'm your friend. I don't actually want to do this."

"Suuuure you don't." She replied sarcastically with the same shit eating grin as before.

"Ok, ok fine! I do kinda want to know." She patted me playfully on the back with a "That's my girl!" And a fist bump as we readied our plan, operation spy on Adrien was a go... that's really going to need a better name.

(*takes a deep breath* HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!! So I know it's been a while but I'm back and ready to kick ass. And yes, this book is being continued as usual.

Also it's 2018! Ain't that nice. Anyone made any new years revolutions? I haven't.

Also I'm not very well 😖 being unwell over Christmas really sucks, welp c'ya soon!)

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