part 5

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Marionettes POV

"Beep Beep beep" "ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I slammed my hand down on my stupid alarm clock and groaned,  slowly sliding out of bed and dragging my feet downstairs to the table where I sluggishly bit into a piece toast, nibbling on it mindlessly as I thought about last night.

To say that I enjoyed Chats company would have been an understatement, I'd always been so focused on Adrien in the past that I'd never really thought about Chat, my partner and one of the few people I'd trust my life with.

I stared into space thinking about his fast reflexes and strong sense of will, he was always there to help me and often put my life in front of his, risking himself for me on multiple occasions. And the fact that he'd missed school just to make sure I was alright, it was sweet of him. Defiantly made my day less miserable.

"Carefull you dont drool to much." mom laughed behind me and made my entire face flair up with a blush. I quickly closed my open mouth and hid into my arms whining from embarissment. "I'm only joking, are you sure your ok? I don't want you going into school if your still sick." I smiled and gave her a hug. "I'll be fine, see you after school." "Bye. Have a good day."

I left in a hurry, glad that I'd finally be on time however in my rush I'd forgotten who was going to be at school, the boy I'd so desperately tried to avoid. I only thought about him when I walked through the door of my classroom and saw him there in his seat taking to Nino.

I rushed past Adrien, avoiding eye contact and quickly sitting down. He looked at me and for just a moment I swear I saw him blush. I almost slapped myself for that thought, yeah right! As if Adrien would ever even like me. Alya gave me a look but I shrugged her off and quickly pulled out my book, getting to work to avoid even thinking about him.

The lesson lasted forever and it seemed as if the entire classes eyes were on me. At lunch I sat down by myself, ignoring Alya when she pestered me with questions.  "-nd, you're not even listening to me are you!?" I mindlessly doodled on my page untill she almost screamed at me. "Marinette listen to me! What are you even drawing?! Wait... omg is that chat?"

I looked down and blushed realising that I had indeed drawn chat in my moment of boredom. "Uhhh..." I didn't know what to say so I just closed my book and turned away from her, wishing I could get out of this uncomfortable situation. Adrien sat down at the opposite end of the table and quickly grabbed my sketch book, looking at the picture. "Oh~ are you a fan of Chat?" I blushed from embarrisment and stayed silent. The tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

Adrien frowned and shuffled closer making me uncomfortable. "Look, Mari... I'm really sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it like that I promise! I was just having a bad day and took it out on you." "No its fine, I understand." I mean I don't know what I was expecting him to say, of course he'd never want to go out with me. "When I said that I didn't want to go out with you I didn't mean that I didn't like you, it's just that I was already in love with someone else." As he said that I felt like an idiot for ever thinking he would return my feelings of course he's already in love! And I just made our friendship really awkward.

"Ok... anyway it's time to go to lesson now so I need to go." I left quickly and sat down in my chair waiting for the day to just be over with so that I could go home.

I left the moment that the bell rung and immediately ran home, shutting myself in my bedroom and crying on my bed. Why did I ever even ask him out? He's so much better than me and I'm just.... ughh." I walked over to my sketch book and picked up my pencil, drawing a design for a black dress, it had lace on the hem and short sleaves. I looked at it and frowned, it was way to plain. I want to add something on the bottom but... what?

A knock interrupted me and I screamed from surprise as Chat swooped into my room and laughed. "Hahahah I can't believe you just screamed. Pshhh I wish I'd recorded that!" I slapped him lightly and pouted. "That's not funny! You almost gave me a heart attack." "Aww Cmon, you know you love me." If I hadn't had a heart attack before, then with the rate that my heart was pounding now after that coment I defiantly felt like I was going to. "PSHH as if!" I lied straight to his face but he looked... hurt. "I'm only jocking, of course I love you." I didn't want to make it awkward or weird so I added. "As a friend."

"What are you up to then?" He asked looking over my shoulder to try and see what I was drawing. I held it towards him so he could get a better look at it. "I'm just drawing a dress, but I can't decide what I should add at the bottom, it looks to plain at the moment." He studied it for a moment and then picked up a pencil, drawing something on it and then passing it back. "Wow, this actually goes really well with it." I said looking at the green paw prints he's drawn around the hem. He chuckled. "Now we can match." All the heat flushed to my face as I thought about myself in this dress.

"... you should totally make that." He said and I smiled. "Maybe I will, but you won't get to see me in it." He pouted like a child and I giggled. "Don't be such a baby." He suddenly grinned misciviously and swooped me up bridle stile. "Hey! Put me down." He grinned and I swear I almost melted in his grip, then with me still in his arms he jumped out of my room and began jumping across the rooftops of Paris.

My eyes widened in fear as I held onto him tighter. "Don't drop me!" As ladybug I was used to heights but doing this as myself was frightening. I clenched my eyes shut when I felt a hand on my chin and looked up to see Chats adoring smile. "I promise I won't drop you. Do you trust me?" I looked into his eyes and let all of my fears melt away as I put my trust in him. "I trust you." He grinned and began to pick up speed, heading towards the Eiffel tower. The wind rushed past me and my hair flapped against the cool breeze.

I laughed with a great big smile and let excitement take over me, soon craving this feeling of freedom.

He stopped when we were safely standing on the top of the Eiffel tower and gently set me down with my feet on the ground. I looked out at the breathtaking view of the city, the lights illuminating the darkness. Still grinning I slipped my hand into Chats and laughed at his embarrassed expression. I turned towards him and we gazed into each others eyes, none of wanting to break eye contact with each other untill we leaned forwards till our faces were only inches apart. His eyes were a hypnotising deep green that I got lost in, they showed love and he closed the gap between us, connecting our lips.

His mouth was sweet on mine and they fit together perfectly as I kissed back, the passion from both of us dancing through the air and bringing us closer. I savoured every second we were like this, electric sparks and butterflies in my stomach that made me feel giddy. His arm grabbed my waist and pulled me closer as I slung an arm around his shoulder and we deepened the sweet kiss, I wanted to stay in this position forever holding onto him and showing my emotions through one action but eventually we had to pull apart for air. Both of us were out of breath and covered in blush.

I looked over at him lovingly and he held my hand. "Marinette, I love you."

(This wasn't the original plot line but I decided to change it a bit, marichat Forever!)

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