Hi it's Irean and Celeste! (Celeste is bold~) So we're making an update schedule~ yay~ (I hate everything XD)
Yes, so after her two year vacancy she finally wants to start this back up again.
Ey, F you Irean, we had no story line so I had no reason to update. My reason for Hitias~. Anything else to add? Like maybe the SCHEDULE?
(-_- ) It was your idea in the first place... *sighs* Anyway, we have created a schedule. The first Saturday (today) I have updated. Next week on Saturday, Celeste will update. (If she's not a butt and can keep to her schedule.) We will trade off weeks until we both have something big and have a required hiatus or the story is over.
So that's really all we had to say...Celeste isn't sorry for that hiatus. (She's a butt isn't she? XP) So, WE'RE sorry for that hiatus and will try not to be such horrible authors in the future, right Celeste?
Eh, no promises, I knew I spelt hiatus wrong! Ughhh. And yep, not sorry. Thanks for explaining cause I'm lazy.
Bye, be ready for chapters in the future and thanks for reading our book!