Chapter 5 (Fuyuko)

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I wake up to movement. My father was shaking me. I got up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Where have you been???" He asks with a frantic undertone.

"Here," I reply, "Sleeping." He sighs before letting me know that I should never leave the hospital without him or Mom and that he was worried sick. He leaves and I look at my alarm. It was five o'clock. An hour before I needed to get up. Already awake, I got up looking for my book. Once I'd found it, I settled back in my room and read for the next hour.


My alarm went off alerting me that I needed to get ready. I grabbed a set of clothes without looking before heading to the bathroom. I then showered and got ready for school.

My mom yelled at me to come eat breakfast around seven before leaving for work. As I had more time to waste, I continued reading, not exactly ready to leave and face the stares of the curious imbeciles at school. At 7:15 I checked my school bag for everything that was necessary and started my journey to school after stuffing my headphones in and playing a music playlist with songs  by The Fat Rat.

Arriving at school, I immediately rush to the library, returning my finished book. I wanted to ask for a book recommendation, but I realized I didn't know the woman's name.

"Excuse me miss... what's your name?" I asked. I hoped that I didn't come off as rude. It would be very difficult to spend all my time here if the librarian hated me.

"My name is Mrs. Frashure." She told me with an amused smile. "Now, would you like a book recommendation?" She asked.

"Yes, please!" I responded, eager to delve into the books the library held. Mrs. Frashure pointed out a couple of books before I finally settled on a series called "The Lunar Chronicles." I checked out the first three books and put the rest on hold because you were only allowed to check out three books at a time at most. Then, the bell for first period rang. Startled, I gathered my stuff quickly and raced to my first period.

Reaching my first period, everyone was still in the hallway so I joined the line. The kid in front of me gave me a sideways glance, noticing my presence, before shifting so they were facing front. With a small amount of surprise, I realized it was the girl I sat next to on the first day. A blush warmed my cheeks as I realized that she was wary of me. Oh well. I wondered what rumors were being spread about me. Probably not good ones. As I continued to brood on the subject, Mrs. D showed up and brought us inside and taught us that day's lesson. Today, instead of heading to lunch as I had done previously, I immediately went to the library. Mrs. Frashure welcomed me with open arms and I spent my lunch period reading. When the bell rang, I rushed to math. Mr. Arthur gave me a math packet to start. He gave me the pages I had missed and then started class. After about fifteen minutes, my brain ached as I realized my pill wore off. I raised my hand and asked         Mr. Arthur if I could go to the bathroom. He granted me permission and I ran to take my pill before returning to class and doing well for the rest of the day. When the day is over, I shove my headphones in my ears and head home. On my way out of the school, I see the girl from my first period with a bright smile on her face, joking with a boy who looks similar to her. It made me wish I still had friends who could make me smile.

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