Mr. Perfect

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Finchel. It was the name Kurt liked to use to describe Rachel and Finn's relationship. The silly fools were engaged and high school wasn't even over yet. But Kurt wasn't bitter... okay yeah he totally was. And he had a right to be. How dare his brother and best friend find their soulmate before him. And in each other to boot! Kurt had more than paid his dues, dealing with bullies and being the only kid out of the closet in his high school.

Rachel got into NYADA and her smitten fiance was going to come with her. Kurt had applied to NYADA, but totally failed to get in. Yes, this was not improving the level of his jealousy. Single and denied access to his dream school was just one thing too many. Kurt had seriously contemplated just becoming a pointless lump on his father's couch for at least a week before he decided to follow his best friend and brother to New York. Maybe there would be more openly gay kids there at the very least.

And there were, but Kurt didn't fancy any of them.

"I'm gonna die alone," Kurt whined to Rachel one night after dinner.

"No, you are not," Rachel told him.

"Sure you can say that," Kurt continued. "Your fiance is in the other room probably ironing your clothes or something."

"Oh god, I hope Finn isn't ironing my clothes!" Rachel exclaimed as she got up to check on the safety of her wardrobe.

With much persistence, Rachel's help and a surprise audition in which he sang 'Being Alive' without any preparation Kurt finally got into NYADA. Finn and Rachel took him out to celebrate and the followed week Kurt was attending classes. Things were looking up. He was still chronically single, but at least he'd gotten into the school of his dreams. Now if only Kurt could meet someone he actually wanted to date...

You never know what day will change your life forever.

Kurt certainly hadn't expected it to be during one of his singing classes. When he entered the room all Kurt could think was that this man was the single most phenomenal man Kurt had ever seen. His hair was gelled perfectly to his head, except for a single curl about his temple. He was shorter than Kurt, but only by an inch or so and there was a kindness to his eyes. Not to mention the guy was totally gorgeous.

"This is Blaine Anderson," Kurt's teacher announced. "He's in his third year and kindly agreed to come here to help me demonstrate the lesson today." And then Blaine began to sing and Kurt found himself starstruck as his perfect voice filled the room. It was as if Blaine was meant for a broadway stage, his performance was so raw.

"Thank you Blaine," Kurt's teacher said as everyone clapped. "Now as you can see..." But Kurt wasn't listening to the lesson anymore. He was staring at Blaine, trying to memorize every detail of the man's face. Then to his surprise Blaine was suddenly staring at him.

"Do you have a question?" Blaine asked.

"Oh no sorry," Kurt mumbled, quickly looking down. "You just sound amazing."

"Thanks," Blaine replied smiling. He was somehow even more attractive when he smiled though at this point Kurt didn't think this guy could get any hotter.

Kurt's teacher claimed his attention again, but Kurt kept an eye on Blaine to make sure the guy didn't leave while he worked up the courage to talk to him. Blaine thankfully didn't leave right away. He moved among the first year students answering questions with a radiant smile lighting up his face.

"I want everyone to practice for the practical next week," Kurt's teacher said as class ended.

"It's Blaine right," Kurt asked to break the ice as he came up to talk to Blaine the moment people started packing up. He didn't need an answer though. The name Blaine had been dancing around inside his head like a ballerina since his teacher had mentioned it.

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