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Kurt couldn't help but think it was as if Blaine had already forgotten that Kurt love him. How could Kurt for one moment deny Blaine the space or time he needed? Kurt had stuck around for so long without hope at all. With just a kiss, Blaine had given Kurt enough faith to last an eternity. Still, Blaine had really worried him for a moment there, but it was totally understandable that he was feeling overwhelmed by the situation. After all, Blaine hadn't been pining after Kurt for months, so how could they possibly be in the same place right now?

They sat in the theatre and watched the rom-com playing. Kurt held Blaine's hand, but didn't do anything else and Blaine seemed comfortable with just that. Kurt knew this was a date, a real one and that alone meant the world to him. When the movie ended, they walked to the bus stop together. Kurt bid Blaine goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and then let the love of his life get on a bus and drive away. It was alright though. Blaine had given him everything he wanted. Kurt's mind was racing ahead to white picket fences, but he'd keep that to himself for as long as Blaine needed. The least Kurt could do was give him time.

Kurt walked into his apartment, but he felt like he was flying. He was greeted with the usual "You should tell him," from Rachel, but today he replied quite differently than normal.

"He knows," Kurt exclaimed, reaching out to pull Rachel into a rib crushing hug.

"Air Kurt," Rachel gasped, "Need- to- breath." Laughing Kurt released her. He was still grinning from ear to ear, like a mad man or a overly happy one.

"Blaine kissed me!" Kurt shrieked with his high pitched voice.

"Hearing Kurt," Rachel groaned. "I need my ears too."

"You'd make a fantastic deaf singer!" Kurt laughed, spinning around, in his excitement.

"What's wrong with Kurt?" Finn asked, his voice joined in as he entered the living room.

"Absolutely nothing. Everything is perfect," Kurt squealed. "More than perfect! Perfection squared. Is that a thing?"

"Is he high?" Finn asked.

"Yes," Kurt chirped. "Unrequited love realized is definitely a drug."

"You lost me there buddy," Finn groaned.

"Blaine kissed me," Kurt repeated, jumping up and down like a giddy teenager. Finn gave him a thumbs up.

"I'll take that as everything is fine," Finn confirmed before leaving the room again, with a shake of his head and a slight smile.

"Everything is more than fine!" Kurt hollered after his brother. "Oh! I need to call my dad!" And with that Kurt gave Rachel one more hug and dug into his pockets for his phone. He just caught Rachel rolling her eyes, before his focus shifted to dialing his father's number.

"Hey Kurt what's up?" Burt said.

"Blaine kissed me!" Kurt trilled.

"That's great," Burt said.

"And we kinda went on a movie date," Kurt said. "He's a little overwhelmed, but he likes me back dad!"

"It's wonderful to hear you so happy son," Burt replied with a slight laugh.

"How long should I wait to text him? What do ya think?" Kurt asked. He was now pacing back and forth across his living room, too excited to sit down. Rachel had wisely retreated, from his crazy. Kurt knew he was being insane, but he didn't care. After so many months of longing, he could do nothing but embrace the feelings of joy.

"Maybe wait till you calm down at least," Burt chuckled.

"Right, good idea," Kurt said. After that, he had what passed for a normal conversation with his father, talking about his life back in Ohio and Carole. Kurt listened carefully and replied when necessary. He could tell his father was happy and that things were fine back home, but nothing apart from Blaine could truly hold his focus right now.

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