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Kurt didn't text Blaine over the next few days, though he wanted nothing else but to talk to Blaine. He missed Blaine and though the party had been horrible in many ways, it had also been wonderful. He'd held Blaine in his arms. Blaine had rested his head on Kurt's shoulder. He'd been physically closer to the man that night, than ever before. But that night, Blaine had been drunk and pining after Sam.

For a week, Kurt started and then deleted texts to Blaine, without ever sending them. He went to class and thought about Blaine, when he should have been learning things. He wallowed and tried to forget, but then Blaine texted him.

'Hey Kurt,' Blaine messaged him. 'Sorry I haven't texted. School's been crazy busy. How are your classes going?'

It was a casual friendly text, like those they'd shared before the party and somehow it broke Kurt's heart and he couldn't ignore it.

'Classes are good,' Kurt replied, as they broke into easy conversation. Kurt didn't have the will to cut Blaine out. He was too addicted to Blaine's presence and Kurt wasn't brave enough to tell Blaine how he felt. In other words, he was stuck, unable to let go or move forward. Stuck like a fish on dry land.

The one good thing that came from the party however, was Blaine's opening up to Kurt. The topic of their conversation shifted. It seemed, that Kurt had gained Blaine's trust. Blaine finally told him about his brother, Cooper.

'It's like I live in his shadow. Coops already so successful,' Blaine texted. 'So even if I succeed at something, it won't matter, because he did it first.'

'Not true,' Kurt replied. 'You shouldn't compare yourself to him. Or anyone for that matter.'

'Thanks,' Blaine texted. 'But it's kinda hard not to.'

'I know,' Kurt texted back. 'I'm here if you want to talk.'

'Thanks,' Blaine replied. Weeks turned to months, as time passed and Kurt was still Blaine's loyal, ever reliable friend. Kurt was always volunteering to be a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, rant at. Kurt just couldn't do anything to hurt Blaine, no matter what it cost him.

'The school actually has good coffee,' Blaine texted one day. 'Neither of us has class this afternoon. You want to meet up?'

Kurt didn't even have the energy anymore to hope that this was a date. He knew better, though he didn't have the good sense to turn the invitation down. Oh no. Kurt arrived early and had already ordered a latte, when Blaine walked in and sat across from him, his own drink in hand.

"That better be coffee," Kurt teased. "It's not even 3 in the afternoon and you, my friend, are a whiny drunk."

Blaine laughed. "Latte, promise," he said, as he sat down. A casual conversation, about nothing too serious easily started up about classes and Sam like always. Then Kurt noticed Blaine's downcast expression and sad eyes.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, unable to notice Blaine's pain without trying to help.

"Oh it's Cooper," Blaine sighed. "He usually works all the time, so even though I live with him, sometimes it's like living alone. But he's suddenly gotten it into his head, that we don't spend enough time together so he wants us to hang out together... all weekend."

"What's wrong with that," Kurt asked.

"It's just weird," Blaine said. "I mean, we aren't really that close. I am only living with him because it's cheap and school isn't."

"Fair enough," Kurt replied, thinking of a way to help Blaine. "You could always say you have plans."

"Yeah I guess," Blaine said. "That would be preferable, to having my self-esteem ripped to shreds."

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