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Breaking up with Jeremiah had actually been easier than Blaine had thought it would be, since Jeremiah hadn't actually considered them serious. It appeared Blaine had made it all up in his head, but he supposed that was for the best since now, he had Kurt. Had Kurt. It was still a strange thing for him to wrap his head around. What was even stranger, was how he now felt about Sam. Blaine really had no idea what he was feeling, about anything lately and he wanted to take the weekend to figure it out. He texted Kurt that Sunday got busy despite only really having homework to do, but it was for the best. The way Kurt looked at him, made Blaine feel like he needed to get himself figured out before anything more happened between them. Of course, he knew this might not make a difference. From from the look in his eyes to the way Kurt had reacted to Blaine's awkward words, made it clear that for Kurt things between them were already more.

Either way, Blaine needed to figure his own shit out. Jeremiah was sorted and now it was Sam's turn. Sam was Blaine's best friend, even before Blaine developed feelings for him. They'd known each other for years and Blaine had started to think Kurt and him could be like that too, that is until a few days ago of course. Now the relationship Blaine had been pointlessly hoping would turn romantic, had all but flown from his mind, while the friend by his side had become quite something else entirely. Blaine needed to talk to Sam, needed to finally come clean about his feelings and see what happened next. He couldn't move on until he did that.

'Can we hang out later?' Blaine texted Sam Monday after class.

'Since when do you ask to hang out?" Sam replied. Sam was right. Blaine usually just showed up or texted to meet. They'd been friends for so long the formalities had long ago been dropped. 'What's up, man?'

'I just need to talk to you,' Blaine texted back.

'Alright,' Sam replied with a smiling emoji. 'I'm meeting Mercedes later, but I can hang out now, if you like.'

'Okay,' Blaine texted. 'Where should we meet?'

'I'm headed home,' Sam said. 'Meet me there?'

'Sure,' Blaine replied, quietly wishing he could put this off, but also glad it would be over with soon. He packed up his books and went to the bus stop. Blaine tried to think of how he was going to say this, as he waited for and then rod the bus. Getting off near Sam's house, Blaine walked the last few blocks, still not totally sure what he was going to say or indeed how he was going to say it. Blaine walked up to the front door and knocked. A second later, all thoughts were driven from his mind when Sam answered it, shirtless. There was a reason why this man was a male model.

"Hey," Sam greeted him. "You know you don't have to knock right?"

"Umm," Blaine said, words failing him at the moment.

"Oh sorry," Sam said, as if he'd suddenly realized he'd answered the door shirtless. Turning Sam walked away and returned seconds later, pulling a shirt over his head.

"Don't be sorry," Blaine said. This wasn't the first time Blaine had been his best friend less than fully clothed. Though usually he saw Sam like the rest of New York did, on billboards or buses. It was having Sam both half naked and so close was new, especially given what Blaine wanted to talk about.

"I don't really notice the lack of a shirt anymore," Sam chuckled.

"It is your day job after all," Blaine conceded. "So that makes sense."

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Sam asked. Blaine couldn't help but think this would have been so much easier, if Sam hadn't been half naked a moment ago.

"Well see... I want to talk about," Blaine began, uncertainly. "I just want you to know, that I would never have done anything about it, if you didn't want. Apart from getting stupidly drunk I guess, but I mean I know you aren't like that, I wouldn't have pushed. I just found out- and well it feels right to talk to you first."

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