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About a month into his relationship with Kurt, Blaine found himself so lost in kissing the man, he forgot to be nervous that it might lead to more, instead he'd been excited. Kurt had paused to ask if Blaine was sure, but Blaine had just nodded before seizing his boyfriend's lips again, in the world's most passionate kiss. He wasn't sure yet if this was love, but he knew he had feelings for Kurt and wanted him. Blaine knew he was safe with Kurt and being with him felt more and more right with every passing day. They'd left a trail of clothes in the direction of Kurt's bedroom and Blaine had woken up the next morning, with no regrets.

The next day, they had a double date with Sam and Mercedes. Sam gave him a knowing look and Blaine suspected his friend knew somehow they'd taken things to the next level. Maybe Blaine was looking especially happy or was that Kurt? It was the first time Kurt had met Mercedes, at least officially, and they hit it off right away. The evening was a total success and everyone left talking about how they needed to this again sometime soon.

Blaine had been a little more nervous about Kurt meeting Cooper, but he need not have worried. Though Cooper sometimes acted like both a spoiled child and an overprotective parent, he'd been happy to meet his little brother's boyfriend, crushing Kurt in a hug before Blaine could rescue him.

"I've heard many good things!" Cooper had said. "Always knew you two would end up together."

"How?" Blaine asked dumbfounded.

"Hasn't Kurt been in love with you for ages?" Cooper asked.

"Did everyone know except for me?" Blaine whined.

"Yes," Kurt chuckled, leaning over to kiss Blaine on the cheek.

Time passed and slowly Blaine's life changed. He spent more and more time with Kurt. They didn't have classes together, since they were in different years at school, but they met up regularly to study together, sometimes they'd go to a movie after. Blaine was getting very used to having Kurt beside him when he slept, soon he was sleeping four nights a week at Kurt's place. They could have stayed with Cooper, but somehow it felt more like having a parent around, then being with Finn and Rachel. Blaine actually got to know Rachel and was at her congratulatory dinner, when she made it on Broadway. As the months went by, Blaine got more and more comfortable at Kurt's place and almost started to think of it as his second home.

True to his word, Kurt never again told Blaine he loved him since their conversation in the park, but Blaine could see it everyday in his boyfriends eyes. He knew he was loved, completely and unconditionally. With every passing day, with every little mannerism of Kurt's that should be annoying but wasn't, Blaine knew he was falling in love. It didn't happened suddenly, but rather in stages. First he found himself missing Kurt, on the rare occasions he didn't see him for a few days. Then all his thoughts of tomorrow started to include Kurt, sutley at first but slowly the picture came more into focus.

Blaine was lying on Kurt's bed, staring up at the ceiling, his boyfriend's head resting on his shoulder with one of his arms around Kurt. It was a perfect moment, but also an ordinary one. Blaine had woken up the same way yesterday and would most likely face a similar situation tomorrow. He could feel the love he had for the man in his arms, as almost a physical entity taking hold of his chest and he was finally ready to say the words.

"There are certain things that I'm not allowed to say to you," Kurt smiled, as he snuggled in closer. "But I promise you, I'm thinking them very loudly right now."

"Still keeping that promise, are you?" Blaine said with a slight chuckled.

"Well, I'd hate to give you a complex," Kurt laughed. Blaine could feel the vibrations Kurt's laughter created against his skin. It felt nice.

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