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Kurt spent the week looking forward to Saturday, thinking he had a date, but when the day arrived Kurt started to lose hope. Kurt suggested they go together, but Blaine said they could meet there. Then, when he did arrive, it quickly became clear that this was a birthday party for some guy named Sam. Kurt saw the expression on Blaine's face as Sam came into view and he instantly knew that Sam was the best friend Blaine had a crush on. Blaine's face softened when he looked at Sam, his pupils dilated and he smiled. Then the light in Blaine's eyes died, as a woman went to greet Sam. Kurt instantly recognized this woman as Sam's girlfriend, since the two started kissing just seconds later. Kurt felt himself moved to comfort Blaine, despite his own disappointment. He put a comforting hand on Blaine's shoulder.

"I need a drink," Blaine sighed as he moved away from Kurt's attempt to comfort him. Kurt followed, but Blaine vanished from sight around a corner. When Kurt caught up with Blaine, he was doing shots. The liquid was clear so Kurt suspected it was vodka.

"He's a model," Blaine told Kurt as he approached. "Sam. He's on billboards."

"How did you guys become friends?" Kurt asked.

"In high school," Blaine replied. "Before I transferred to Dalton." Blaine throw back another shot.

"How many of those have you had?" Kurt inquired. They'd been apart for only a few minutes, but it turned out doing shots didn't take long.

"Not sure," Blaine replied as he emptied another glass and wobbled a little.

"Maybe you should slow down," Kurt suggested, but Blaine didn't seem to hear him or he simply didn't want to listen.

"Why does Sam have to be straight?" he whined. Kurt had no idea how to answer this question. It wasn't really a question that had an answer.

"So straight with all that straightness," Blaine mumbled. "He should be bendy." Blaine swayed, then staggered as if he was going to fall down. "Bendy's better." It wasn't until Blaine started motioning with his hands that Kurt realized his drunken brain was confusing the two meanings of the word straight.

"What was in those shots?" Kurt exclaimed instantly understanding that Blaine had zero alcohol tolerance and was therefore already well on his way to being completely wasted.

"Fuzzy juice," Blaine mumbled as he tried to stagger away from Kurt.

"Oh no, you don't!" Kurt said firmly. "You my friend, are staying where I can see you."

"Friend," Blaine repeated smiling. He looked up at Kurt with a silly grin on his face and they locked eyes for a moment. Kurt had to fight the urge to lean forward and kiss Blaine, drunk and all. He was just so close. Then suddenly he wasn't. Blaine had turned away and managed to walk in a messy zigzag toward the crowd of other drunk college kids.

Kurt swore under his breath, which did nothing to dispel his disappointment that this disaster was his 'date' with Blaine. It was partly his fault though, for phrasing his question so generally. After all, He hadn't texted 'do you want to go on a date this Saturday.' Kurt swore again when he realized that he'd accidentally placed himself in the friendzone. As he watched drunk Blaine almost fall and smack his head against the corner of a table, Kurt's own issues were greatly overshadowed by his fear for Blaine's safety. Getting up and moving quickly, Kurt followed intoxicated Blaine as he banged into people and furniture, moving through the crowd while trying to keep Sam in his sight.

Kurt spend the rest of the party running after Blaine, who spent the entire night miserably sulking after Sam or trying to get drunker. Kurt took as many drinks away from Blaine as he could, but Blaine still managed to remain completely drunk until after midnight.

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