• Chapter One •

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Chapter completed - 15/Sep/17
Chapter published - 16/Sep/17

Unedited work

It had been around 3 days now. 3 days since the infamous Tony Stark - genius, billionaire, playboy protagonist had been turned into a 4 year old by Loki as 'revenge' after the whole thing with New York. Obviously, Loki had promised to change him back after a week at the most, but, he was the God of Mischief for a reason, and had disappeared that night and never come back.

This was were the problems started.

Since none of the Avengers understood how to take care of a child, let alone one that was a genius and could do just as much mathematical things as them at such a young age, no one wanted to take care of him.

Natasha and Clint were backed up by Fury, telling the others that they were important assets to other missions outside the Avengers - and with their busy schedule weren't able to take Tony in. With Bruce's 'condition' with the Hulk, everyone agreed that Bruce would be able to help, but not fake in Tony full time. Thor had offered to go and look for his brother, in order for this whole ordeal to be over with as soon as possible, but wasn't making an progress at all.

Now, there was Steve and Bucky.

Bucky had joined the Avengers around 3 months ago, and was finally out of his 'distant' phase. But, that didn't mean he trusted himself completely just yet, and was adamant that I'm taking care of the child was a bad idea. And as his best friend and only person he saw the most of, Steve turned down the idea of him taking care of Tony because he couldn't just leave Bucky all alone.

So, they all agreed on one person taking care of Tony: you.

You were a friend of the Avengers and worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. Living a few blocks away from the Avengers tower, they visited quite a bit after becoming friends with you on a mission - and you all stayed in contact. So, you were the best option they could think of.

"Are you sure you're okay with this _______?" Steve had asked you for the 20th time in the past 5 minutes. "If you don't want to, you don't have to".

You smiled and rolled your eyes at the man and shoved his shoulder playfully. "I'll be fine" you assured him. "I used to help out at my mums nursery all the time, plus having 3 younger siblings, I think I'll be fine".

Steve nods, rubbing a hand over his face slightly. "Okay, okay, you'll be fine..." he groans. "It's just that Tony can be a... handful on his best days when he's an adult. And now he's a child, Jesus it can't get better".

"Just chill, I'll be good".

And with that said, you walk past the soldier and into the Avenger's living room where Tony was playing with someone building blocks and puzzles. Even at 4, he was a smart kid. He'd managed to beat Clint at chess as well - which wasn't that hard for anyone but for a 4 year old it had to be even a little tricky.

Everyone had said 'hi' you to you when you walked in, and Tony had looked up from his game to stare at you. He didn't seem to still have his adult mind, so he probably didn't know who you were. After all, today was the first day you've actually seen 'child Tony' in person.

With a smile, you bent down and sat on the floor in front of him, giving him a smile. "Hi Tony, do you know who I am?" You asked cautiously.

He nodded, making you think twice about what you were going to say next, but felt a twang in your heart when he said the next thing. "Mummy and Daddy hired you to look after me I think. I can't remember much - my head hurts" he rubbed his mop of black hair and glanced down at the blocks he had in his hands. "Where's Jarvis gone? He looks after me when they are away".

Baby Stark [Avengers x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now