* Chapter 7 *

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This is for everyone who said I need to update

Tony being a toddler was fine. His personality, fine. His smile, fine. His love for everyone in the tower, fine. The people who wanted to take him, not fine.

Word had gotten out a week ago that Tony was a child... and this caused many complication. Complications such as Media blocking all exits and entrances to the building, prohibiting anyone to leave unless they answered the questions they wanted. Worst of al news helicopters where spotted flying around the building for shots on what was happening within the Avengers Headquarters.

So Coulson called a meeting.

"We've decided all of you need to do a great with the news and clear this up" he tells the team from his place in front of the holographic board - which was currently showing the live feed from a news station of the building.

Steve stared at the man, wondering if it was a good idea or not.

"Wouldn't that just be a hassle?" Clint asked from his space in the back corner, skittles on the table in front of him.

The Agent paid no mind to the comment. "It'll give you chance to clear this up. Show that yes, the Tony Stark is now a toddler, though he ins't less protected".

To you, the idea seemed like a 50/50 shot. Sure it'd get rid of the majority of the crowd around the tower, though it'd cause rumours and articles and... kidnappings. All things Tony didn't need, toddler or not.

Looking around the table, you noticed Bucky looking at you, eyebrow raised. "And what do you think Doll?"

The question threw you off guard, as it did to everyone in the room.

The man continued, noticing their confusion. "I mean, (Y/N)'s the one that's been spending the most time with him, caring for him, looking after him" he glances at the Agent. "Shouldn't she get to pick?"

"Her opinion if valid Mr Barnes, yes" Coulson pushed his hands into his trousers pockets. "Though not the most important".

Natasha was next. "And why's that?"

The man in front seemed to be getting visibly frustrated. He had hoped without Stark and The God, he would be able to have a quick and quite briefing about things now. Though that seemed to bit be the case, since everyone else had decided to take their roles.

Steve sat back, arms folded on his chest. "It's a two sided coin with this, Agent Coulson" he explained. "We could get threats for him, have people attack the tower".

"Yes we know, that is why we think moving Stark here until be turns back will be best".

"What the fuck?" The words left your mouth before you could even register what had been said.

The room silenced yet again as all eyes focused on you.

"Do you know how scary that will be for him? After everything that he's been through, toddler and adult, placing him in the one place that he doesn't trust at all is the best thing for him?"

Coulson sighed. "Listen Agent (Y/-".

"She's right".

Bruce looked up from the tablet he was holding. He'd been quite for the majority of the meeting, even when mentioning utter things such as missions and new tech, though this had seemed to spike his interests.

"The choice of placing him here will no doubt heighten his anxiety levels, now and when he's an adult. Placing more weight on his shoulders is unwise".

Everyone allowed that information to sink in. With Tony now being a toddler, for 3 months now... it was strange to think he was actually an adult in a child's body. Even stranger and more upsetting to think that this small boy was going to go through so much in his life... stuff they couldn't stop.

The door opening caused their attention to be diverted from their thought. A man wearing a trench coat, a black eye patch, and a sour look on his face entered the room. The child in his arms grinning. "Get him fucking off me".

Steve could be heard muttering the word 'Language' as you took the small child from the Directors grasps, who immediately power walked towards Agent Coulson at the front of the room.

"Hello" you greeted the boy, kissing the side of his temple.

The child giggled in your arms and hugged you close. "Don't leave me with the Angry Pirate again" he complained. "He didn't play Lego's with me". The way he said it sounded like he'd killed the child's cat.

Looking up at Fury, the scowl will decorated his face.

"I won't".

The meeting continued, Coulson and Bruce mainly arguing over Tony's well being if he were to stay at SHEILD, Clint and Fury joining in at appropriate (Fury) and inappropriate (Clint) moments. Steve and Natasha seemed to be having their own conversation about this, whilst Bucky had moved to sit next to you.

"Hey Doll" the name rolling off his tongue made you melt.

Grinning up at him, you kissed his chin.

Over the past 3 weeks since you and Bucky had gotten together, not much had changed. Well, besides from the fact you slept in the same bed and kissed... made out... a lot more.

Bucky had been helping out with Tony a lot more too, coming over and making dinner whilst you bathed the young genius, telling him less violent and rude versions of his War Stories with Steve too keep him entertained.

Natasha often joked that you had become your own little family.

And in all honesty...

Maybe she was right.

I'm thinking of making this into a one shot book if little Tony... instead of an actual book. Tell me what you think!



Don't care!


Also, tell me what you want to see from this since I'm running low on ideas...

Love Bookies16!!!

EDIT! For everyone saying keep this story line going... I kinda don't know what else to add to it, where to take it. Ideas are welcome! X

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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