* Chapter Five *

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It's safe to say that the Hulk didn't take too kindly to finding out what happened to Tony. Not that you thought he would anyways. As you told Bruce what you'd found out, it became clear that his ability to control the Hulk was slowly fading until alarms started blaring when J.A.R.V.I.S noticed the rise his Bruce's heartbeat and immediately contacted the over Avengers to the scene.

4 hours to took the avengers to get the whole Hulk situation under control. Without the help of Tony his his suit which had managed to help Bruce calm down and turn back last time, it was hard getting the Hulk into an isolated area out of the city and allow Natasha to change him back once he calmed down a slight bit.

You and Tony had evacuated to a small safe room under the whole Tower which was promised to keep you both safe until everything blew over. And, it did. Not that that had helped to ease the poor boys mind as he continued to tremble and cry against you until they came back with a now sated Bruce Banner.

"Tony, Tony sweetheart" you cooed at him as he hugged the life out of you. "Bruce is back now, we're fine and safe".

The by lifted his head up and looked at you, tears streaking his face as he tried to calm his breathing. "Really?" You didn't know Tony could speak this quietly.

Nodding, you pulled his closer to you as you stood up, making his sit on your hip as you wailed towards the door where Bucky and Steve were waiting for you to come out. At the notice of Bucky, Tony smilled and made grabby hands at him as you go closer. It was strange to think that the two of them were to calm around each other now due to his serious and tense the exchange were before, when they were older.

Noticing Bucky tense when he realised what the miniature Stark wanted he whispered something t Steve and walked off. Well, at least Tony was now clamer about everything anyways. But, he didn't know what the older Tony knew.

"Where'd he go?" Tony asked, noticing Bucky was no longer there and had walked off. "Does he not, not like me anymore?"

Steve shook his head at his friends scene and looked down at Toy who's lip was beginning to quiver. "He's fine, just has something to do is all". He looked up at you gave you a weak smile, "you okay Doll?"

"Peachy Cap". At that you gave him a smile and shifted Tony in your arms. Sure he was a small kid, but after awhile your arms did start to ache at the constant added weight.

Probably noticing the ache, Steve made a move to grab Tony off you, which he ultimately went without much of a problem. "how about we go and watch a film huh?"

Noticing that Tony was going to be fine in Steve's care, you gave him and Tony a small kiss on their cheeks each and said thanks. Receiving a 'no problem' and a giggle from Stark, you walked off in a mission to first go and find Bruce to make sure he was oka and secondly, go and find Bucky and see what happened back there.

"Jarvis? Where's Bruce now?"

Mr Banner is currently being held in the Hulk Containment Area under the building, he seemed to have requested to stay there for a while until he calmed down.

"Great", you muttered. Now Bruce feels bad about what happened. 

Would you like to record a message  from you to play yo Mr Banner Miss _______?

"Yes please Jarvis" you took a deep breath and pulled at the bottom of your top before starting the message. "Bruce, what happened wasn't your fault. We all know how much Hulk cares for Tony and what I told you didn't help with the fact that both of you were already wondering how  could help I'm turn back into an adult, back into the Tony we all know. Now, when you're ready, come and find me and we'll talk it through properly and relax, movie night like we used to huh?"

Is that it Miss _______?

"yes, thank you Jarvis"

Now, your next mission - find Bucky Barnes and asking what the hell happened.

Almost like Jarvis was reading your mind yet again, he told you that Mr Barnes was currently in the GYM practicing with one of the simulations that Tony had put into pace in order to help them train, a specific one to help each other the Avengers with their best defence and attack.

Making your way down, you entered the room and watched at Bucky carried on the activity, award 'in the zone and all you could do was wait for him to finish until you could speak to hm and find out what was happening. Not that you minded waiting, after all, he wasn't a bad fighter. the way he knew exactly where all of his enemies were and had the ability to attack them and defend himself from them like it was his second nature, not caring about how he took them down just that he did it. The sweat gathering at the top of his forehead as he moved, long hair sticking to his face and the metal arm sticking close to his side unless he needed it. You could tell he still hated it, even with the new model Tony made, he never lie dto use it on the field unless he really needed to.

Still scared of what it could do to someone, someone he felt was important to him.

Simulation completed

Snapping out of the small daze you managed to place yourself in, you looked at his properly and noticed that he was already looking at you, taking deep breaths as he stood straight, not moving.


"No, I already know what your going to ask me about Sugar and I just can't tell you now".

"And why no?" you quizzed, desperate to know the true reason that he avoided Tony like the plague. "Last night you were fine, you'd get close to me and him without worrying, what happened".

Bucky sighed and walked over to one of the benches, placing his head in his hands. "That was different-"

"how? because no one else was able to see the true you? The real Bucky Barnes?"

"How can I be the real Bucky Barnes when I don't even know how I was?"

So this was what it was but too. How well he could fit his old persona. Steve had told you that the Bucky he knew was different then how he was now, and what was different. The old Bucky wasn't a fan of kids, besides his siblings, and preferred to be a womanizer then stick with one girl.

"You don't need to be the old Bucky Barnes" you whispered, walking over to him. "You don't need to fit anyone else expectations of you hit your own. Not Steve's. Not Natasha's. Not even Fury's. Just yours. This is a new world, a new chance for you to live a life you wished you had, a place where you now have the ability to pick and choose what you do and not be limited to the values of the society you used to be a part of".

Moving your hands to his ace you lifted it up out of his hands and cupped his cheeks together.

"You are James Buchanan Barnes. And YOU get to choose how you live life and who you love".

Silence over took the two of you until two words set muttered by the man  in front of you.

"Can I choose to love you?"

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