• Chapter Four •

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Chapter completed - 31/10/17
Chapter published - 31/10/17


It took you 35 minuets to get ready, only slightly longer than you said it would. It wasn't your fault technically, your hair wouldn't dry! Maybe you should invest in a new hair dryer...

"I'm done" you'd spoke up, re entering your living room to see Bucky sat on the couch, with a tiny Tony leaning against him - head layers on his chest and his hands running up and down the metal surface of the mans arm.

So cute. If only Tony was this close to people when he was older...

Bucky's head snapped towards you as soon as your words hit him. Looking at you, he gave you an unsteady smile, and you could tell he was struggling not to freak out with Tony this close to him.

With a small sigh and a smile to the older male, you walked over to Tony and picked him up, causing him to giggle a little and smile - obviously happy. "Are we really going?"

It still broke your heart a little every time he said something remotely like that. But, it's wasn't like you could do anything to change it now, hopefully you could later though.

"Yeah, let me grab my shoes and yours and we'll get going" you placed him back down, taking his hand and walking out into the landing where you'd placed his shoes he was going to wear.

As you turned the corner, you took a small glance at Bucky to see him watching you with a smile, his head laid on the arm of the chair and his hands folded in his lap. He looked like a small child watching his favourite relative come into the house and give him a present. It was cute in all fairness.

After placing all of your shoes and coats on, you, Tong and Bucky were ready to leave. Firstly, you would have to go to Avengers Tower, to get some more money to spend on Tony. After your pay though, you'd make sure to give it back.

You didn't like taking/asking for money, so this was going to be hard to deal with.

"You ready to go?" Bucky asked from behind you, his breath tickling your neck making you jump a little. You could hear his laugh get louder. "Scare you?"

"Nope" you lied, turning around to face him. "Your bad breath just made me throw up in my mouth".

The man just rolled his eyes and lifted a hand to poke you in the middle of your forehead. Just as you were about to say something, Tony pulled on your hand making you look down.

He didn't say anything, but just looked at you. With a smile coating your face, you pulled him up and grabbed your keys and bag off of the side, opening the door.

You all got out and walked towards the car, passing the lady at reception who gave you a smile and waved at Tony, who actually waved back. You couldn't help but think you were making a tiny bit of progress in making him open up a bit more.

However, the thoughts of last night came back into play. What if he remembered showing you them when he was big again, regretted it? Would he hate you? After all,Tony was a great friend and you didn't want to lose him. You didn't want to lose any of the team. Especially-

"You getting in?"

Blinking a few times, you noticed that Bucky had actually managed to place Tony in his car seat (which was quite a big achievement since he was still wary of going near him) and gotten in the car. However you, you were just stood like a twat in thought.

With a nod, you walk around to the other side of the car and get in the passenger seat, only now noticing that you had the keys, which you handed to him and fastened your seat belt.

Baby Stark [Avengers x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now