• Chapter Two •

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Chapter completed - 7/10/17
Chapter published - 7/10/17 (Sorry it took so long to publish, revising for GCSE's next year)

Unedited work

You and Tony arrived at your small flat within 20 minutes. By than, the small child in the back seat was nearly asleep, which was good and bad at the same time. Good, cause you were tried yourself and wanted to go straight to sleep. And bad, because you needed to give him a bath and get him changed before he could actually lay down for the night.

Pulling up to the drive way near your flat building, you look over at Tony and offer him a smile. "You still awake Tones?" You whispered to him, clipping the seatbelt and opening your car door.

A nod came from the genius, but a tired yawn followed. Carefully picking him up, you set him on your hip with the blacker over his shoulders, lock your car and make your way to the reception to get to the elevator.

The women at the desk - Cara, who is a nice friend of yours, smiles at you and the child in your arms. "So is this the little cutie your taking care of?" She asked you, leaving over to get a better look.

Nodding, you look down at Tony. "Yeah. His parents are out of town so I'm baby-sitting him for a few days. Isn't that right?" But Tony only gives you a weak nod before snuggling back up to you.

Cara grins and nods her head in an understanding manner. "Don't worry, get him to bed and I'll see you tomorrow. I've got weekend shift anyways" she tells you.

Bidding her goodbye, you make your way up the elevator and up to your room, softly locking the door behind you and walking towards the bathroom.

Your flat wants that big, but big enough that you were able to get things down. The living room and kitchen were put together, a bathroom for visitors and a bathroom attached to your bedroom. The washer and dryer were placed in a cupboard down a hall, and a door led to the fire escape where you spent most of your nights reading or watching TV on your computer.

"Bath time Tony" you spoke to him, setting him on your bed and going to take off the blanket.

That didn't do to well with the small genius. "No! I don't want a bath!" He yanked the blacker off of you and rolled onto his belly - head turned to the side to look away from you.

That wasn't expected, you think as you let out a sigh. And he was behaving so good as well. Thinking your next moves over in your head, you take a seat on the floor. "Why don't you want a bath Tony? Are you too tired?"

His little head shakes, hair bouncing as he does so. Well, if it's not sleepiness...

"Is it cause you don't know me? And you don't want me too?"

Again, a 'no'. "Than what's wrong?"

He rolls over again, hugging the cover and resting a bit on his cheek, body now fully facing you. "It's cause Daddy says that only Jarvis can wash me. He said he doesn't want anyone else to see..." his eyes go wide like he'd said something he wasn't meant to.

Curiosity and worry getting the best of you, you lean forward and look at his eyes, trying to decipher what he truly meant. "See what?" He doesn't speak for a while, making you worry. "Are you okay Tones?"

The boys eyes are now brimmed with tears, but he doesn't cry. The faint whisper of "Stark men don't cry" came out of Tony's mouth making you suck in a breath.


"If I show you, you can't tell Daddy I did" he cut you off, slowly sitting up. But not letting the cover fall off of him. "Please promise me _______..." he whispered to you, fists slightly clenching.

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