Chrsitams Special

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It was now Christmas, and the tower was being converted into Santa's Grotto by Steve and Clint who couldn't help but force the holiday down everyone else's throats.

"(Y/N)! Where Stark?" Clint shouted from his space in the vents, half his body dangling down so he could place the Angel on top of the Christmas tree they had bought. Steve was very particular about it being bad Angel and not a star, saying that it was more traditional.

You looked up at him and shrugged. "Bruce took him out shopping for baking supplies half an hour ago - they'll be back soon".

The archer seemed satisfied with the comment and nodded. "I wanna make sure the tike decorates the tree with us. I bet it's his first time doing one in years".

The rooms air suddenly got heavy by that fact but it didn't last long. The sound of 'pitter patter' was heard from the door to the lounge, the trio in the room knowing who it was already.

Tony had been in his child form for some time now, and with Thor still being gone and no updates, everyone assumed it'd be like this for more months. Honestly though, everyone didn't seem to mind anymore.

Tony was like their joined child they were taking care of.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Lookie!" He shouted as he enter red the room, nearly tripping over a box full of baubles that's Steve had dropped near the sofa.

In the child's hands was a Iron Man toy, the plushie coated with his signature colours of red and gold, and what looked to be like a flip mask so that the face of older Tony Stark could be seen when wanted.

Kneeling down to catch the oncoming child of joy you picked him up off the ground and ruffled his hair. "Well isn't that just dandy, and who gave you this?"


A confused look crossed your face till you saw Bruce walk into the room, a photo in his hand of Tony sitting on a stores santas lap. Realisation happened and a smile coatedbyjyr face once again.

"You must have been a really good boy then for Santa to give you a Christmas present early".

The boy was almost vibrating with joy and affection as he squealed and gave you a kiss on the cheek, his arms wrapping around your neck and the Iron Man toy tickling your back.

Bruce walked over to the tree where the two men where still decorating. "Looking good".

"Good?" Cling mocked. "Dearest it's amazing - a true work of art. Right Steve?"

The super solider nodded his head, humming what sounded like 'Rocking around the Christmas Tree'. "I hope it does, a tree this big takes hours to decorate. Still don't see why we couldn't have gotten a smaller one".

"We're the Avengers! It's go big or go home!"


Giggling came from the boy in your arms, as well as a chuckle from everyone else. That was until Tony began to look around widely in every direction.

"You okay Tones?"

The boy shook his head and started to squirm. "Bucky? Where Bucky?"

Your eyes softened. Bucky and Nat had been sent in a mission a month ago. It was to infiltrate an old HYDRA facility and obtain information about other bases in the area that SHEILD were yet to locate.

The two assigns were what Firy said perfect for the job - much to Clints dismay on the subject about him and Nat being a duo - and were not due back till after Christmas due to some complications on their end.

Which didn't ease anyone's worries about them.

You sighed and walked over to the tree. "Why don't you help Steve with the tree huh? When Bucky comes back you can show him how awesome it looks".

That seemed enough to distract the boy genius for a whole. And thankfully he didn't ask any questions about it and went along without a fuss, smiling and laughing and Steve lifted him up on his shoulders and handed him a blue bauble to place on one of the branches.

Walking over to the scientist you sighed. "I hope Thor comes back soon".

"Getting tired of Kid Stark already?" He joked, his tone light and carefree.

It was big steps getting Bruce to come out of his shell, even after the fiasco with Tony a while back. However, the little kid had manage to pull Bruce back and been male him more open the he was before.

"I don't think I ever could" you joked back. "I just... I just want everyone to be here for Christmas. And with Bucky and Nat almost certainly not getting back till the new year it just -"


"Yeah, sucks".

Bruce nodded and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, you leaning in and placing your head onto his. Bruce had become an older brother figure to you over the last few months, helping you when no one else could.

"Don't worry, we'll be together for Christmas. All of us. I promise".

How he was going to fulfil that promise you didn't know. But, you had hope. After all, he was the Hulk after all and the smartest guy you knew.


An update! I know I haven't updated in ages but I'm going to try and do one at least once a month, maybe two every month or something since I know a lot of people like the book.

Send me ideas on what you want to happen next since I have no idea. If I get some I might be able to update quicker since I'll have a base line for the chapter

Love bookies16

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