Chapter 6

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"So how long have you known Chey," I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Since freshman year- she was in my home room. She always looked so-" he stops, at a loss for words.

"I know what you mean," I whisper, picturing the forlorn look that Chey often has on her face.

Everyone at school thinks she's depressed- they aren't even all wrong. She's someone you would expect to be in an abusive relationship, someone you'd expect to practice self harm.

So I know exactly what he means.

"I spoke with her a few times, but I doubt she even knows my name- even though we've had multiple classes together," he sighs, shaking his head.

"I have to ask- do you really like her, or are you just looking for a fling. Because you can't play with her emotions- she's fragile."

"I would never hurt her," he states.

"She- she has a lot of issues Jace. She's closed off and distant and-" I shake my head. "Just don't be offended if she doesn't open up to you. It takes a lot of effort to crack her exterior."

He nods, and looks up.

"It appears we are at your house," he states.

"Do you want to come in, or-"

"That's okay- just put in a good word for me?"

"Of course," I laugh. "Nice seeing you again Jace."

I scoop Wally up into my arms, and kiss his head.

"You too. Bye Grace- bye Wally," he chuckles, turning and heading down the driveway.

I head into the house, and immediately sense something wrong. The air feels wrong, an eerie feeling settled.

"Chey," I cautiously call, getting no response.

I walk slowly through the house, searching each room.

"Chey," I call again, a little more urgently.

Finally I go into the room that I'm praying she isn't in- my bathroom.


I scream escapes my lips, making my entire body shake at the intensity of it that surprises even me.

All I see is red- red everywhere, flowing over the tile on my floor. Tears spring to my eyes.

"Chey," I say, my voice coming out in a sob. "What have you done?"

"I think- I cut- too deep," she whispers, her eyes meeting mine. They look dull, almost lifeless.

There's so much blood- I didn't know there could be that much blood in a person. I can't function for a moment, and I stay glued to the spot where I stand.

Finally, my brain starts to work again.

I tear my first aid kit from the cabinet and grab as much gauze as I can, pressing it to her wrist.

"Hold that there while I call an ambulance," I order, pulling out my phone and dialing 911.

"Hello- hello, need an ambulance at 617 Freedom Lane in the Coral Lakes community. My friend slashed her wrist. She hit at least one artery if not more," I ramble hysterically.

"Ma'am, you have to calm down. Apply pressure to it with gauze and try to stop the bleeding," she calmly states.

"That's what I'm doi- CHEY!" I shout, dropping the phone.

Her eyes are starting to close, and she looks so pale- like a ghost.

I sit beside her, cradling her head in my arms.

"Chey you stay awake- you stay awake. You can't leave me," I snap, fighting back tears.

"Grace," she says, her voice almost inaudible. "Will you do something for me?"

"No because you are going to be fine," I sob. She shakes her head, and gives me a light smile. How is she so brave?

"No I'm not- you have to do this for me."


"Tell my parents- tell them I'm sorry. I love them you know," she whispers, her eyes tearing up.

I nod, and hug her closely towards me.

I can feel my clothes becoming wet, but I don't care.

"Chey- did you- were you trying to-"

"No. I didn't mean to- cut so- deep. I'm so sor-"

"Shhh shh," I soothe, rocking her back and forth. "It's okay."

"You know I love you?"

"Of course," I wryly chuckle, unable to stop my tears from flowing down my cheeks. Suddenly, a thought comes to my head. Without thinking, I blurt out "Jace likes you."

She smiles at me. "Jace? I always thought he was cute."

We sit in silence as sirens sound in the distance.

"I love you Chey. You can't die, you are my best friend. You're all I've got," I sob, looking down at her. Her eyes are closed and her chest isn't moving. "Chey! Chey, wake up!"

I shake her violently, but she doesn't respond.

"No," I sob. "No, no- Chey, Chey you can't die. You can't die on me! Chey."

My voice distorts itself till I'm just sobbing, my chest shaking violently.

"Chey," I cry.

People flood into the room, but I can't process it. EMTs check her vitals and shake their heads.

I start to lose it. I sob and shout obscenities at them, refusing to loosen my hold on Chey.

"Chey you can't leave me," I sob, my body quivering.

"Miss- miss, we have to take her now," a woman softly says to me, her hand on my shoulder.

"No," I yell, lashing out at her. "No, no, NO!"

"Miss- she's gone. She is gone," the woman firmly states. "I'm sorry."

Two strong men pry my arms off of her, and I can't help thinking Chey would flirt with them if she could.

She's gone. She's dead. My Chey is dead. Just a minute ago she was taking to me and now she's dead.

I turn away from the scene and run down the stairs, unable to watch as they put her into a black bag. I can't watch.

So I run down the stairs, and into the front lawn.

"Grace, what happened?"

I know that voice. I know him. Jace?

I don't answer. Instead, I collapse into a heap onto the soft green grass.

She's gone. She's gone and I'll never talk to her again. She's gone and I'm alone. I can't breath.

I gasp, trying so hard to breath. I can't breath. I can't breath without her.

I feel arms around me, and I lean into them, sobbing into someone- I think Jace.

"Is this your blood?" he questions, his voice shaky.

"No- no, it's Ch-ch-chey," I whisper, before my voice erupts into more sobs.

I can't breath. She's dead.

I can't breath. She's dead.


I'm sorry for this chapter. I didn't want to write it. But it was necessary.

So I'm sorry.

I'm sad now. This is depressing.

I have nothing to say except that now I'm sad. I hope you aren't sad too.

Remember that they are just characters!

Goodnight my lovelies!

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