Chapter 8

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"Have you visited her grave yet? Since the funeral?"

"I don't see the point," I sigh, annoyed. "Look can we be done? I don't need therapy, Im fine."

"You said that last week. And the week before. And every other session we've had for the past four months. "

"That's. Because. I'm. Fine," I growl, narrowing my eyes at Dr. Farrow. She sighs, and shakes he head.

"You're not fine Grace. You keep saying that you're fine but you're not," she murmurs.

"I lost my best friend. It sucked. I was depressed for a while, which is normal. But I'm fine now," I almost shout, frustrated.

"Go to her grave. Then I'll believe you," she states.

"Why? What is so important about going to the stupid grave? Please explain that to me doctor," I snarl.

"Its a stepping stone- a way for you to face the truth up front and move past it," she calmly explains, writing something down on her pad.

"I'm. Fine."

"You've said that so many times I think you've started to believe it," she mutters to herself, before looking up at me. "If you don't want to talk to me about Chey fine. But talk to me about something because other wise this is pointless."

"You're right," I sigh. "This is pointless."

"Come on- what are you planning for summer," she questions.

"Let's see- sitting alone in the house while my dear parents work all summer seems to be my agenda. Fun, right?"
I sass, rolling my eyes.

"It bothers you that your parents work so much?"

"I think it would bother anyone," I grimace, glancing at the clock. "Oh gee, look at the time. Hours up."

I stand and walk towards the door.

"Please send your parents in," she calls as I leave.

Today both my parents came with me- which must mean the apocalypse is coming because that is just unheard of.

"She wants to see you," I groan once I see them, crossing my arms and sinking into a chair.

They set their expensive phones down, proving to me that they aren't glued to their hands as I previously thought, and head into the room.

I look around and notice I'm alone. Curious as to what's going on, I press my ear to the door.

".... I've had great success with similar patients in the past," Doctor Farrow announces, her voice muffled by the door.

"I don't know- Grace would never agree to it," my dad states.

Listen to him, he's probably right.

"Well if it would get her out of this state of depression then I'm willing to try," mom says. "I mean, it's pathetic. Sure her friend died, but people die. It's been four months, she should be over it by now."

Tears spring to my eyes and I stumble backwards. Pathetic? I should be over it by now?

I fall into a chair, stunned. I need to get away. I can't stay here.

I grab my keys, thankful we took separate cars to get here, and bolt out the door and into the parking lot.

I climb into the front seat and turn my key in the ignition. Minutes later I'm flying down the highway, no destination in mind.


I'm pathetic.

Am I?

Consumed in my thoughts, I pull off onto an exit and keep driving. I drive into a Starbucks and park my car. Usually I don't go here, but I need coffee. I need to sit down somewhere alone.

I order an iced caramel macchiato ,and take a seat in a booth. Someone left a pen on the table, but I don't mind.

I mindlessly sip my coffee, trying to stop thinking about everything for just one minute.

Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic.


I pick up the pen and start to draw the silhouette of a blackbird on a napkin. How does that Beatles song go?

'Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

All your life you were only waiting for that moment to arise'

I smile at the sketch, and jot down a line from that song on it. A thought pops into my head.

I pull out my phone and dial Jace. He and I have become sort of friends since Chey died. We've been helping each other through.

"Grace?" he answers on the other end.

"Hey. Don't you have a friend who's a tattoo artist?"


Hey! Sorry for the filler chapter.

Just took a test that I missed when I was sick last week and I have mixed emotions about it.

Also I have some news concerning my updates but I'm not gonna tell you yet =P (don't worry it's nothing bad!)

Love you guys.

Have a fantastic day my lovelies!

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