Chapter 13

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Sitting cross legged on my bed, I listen to the sound of my phone ringing, waiting for Jace to pick up.

My door is closed, and locked for good measure. I am completely exhausted, wearing short pajama shorts and a tight fitted tank top.

"Hello," Jace answers, making me smile instantly.

"Hey- how's life in sunny California?" I question in my best reporter-like voice.

"Not so sunny right now- it's raining," he chuckles.

"Well it's sunny and happy here, with rainbows shooting out from the sky and unicorns flying everywhere," I mutter, my voice almost spiteful. I hear him laugh on the other end.

"But seriously, what's it like there?"

"Well, there are horses everywhere- a literally, everywhere. I got paired with a horse who is apparently psychotic, so I could possibly die this summer," I wryly state.

"How many others are there?"

"Six other patients, or whatever the hell you want to call them. And then there's Claire- she owns the place- and her son Avery," I reply, my voice turning venomous when I mention Avery. Apparently, Jace hears it.

"Want to talk about it?" he questions.

I sigh, and shake my head.

Then I feel like an idiot because I realize he can't see me.

"No, that's fine. I just- I want to go home. One of the girls here is driving me crazy with her happy, cheery, I-believe-in-magic-and-fairies, attitude," I say quietly.

"I thought that everyone there was supposed to be- depressed."

"So did I! But this chick is too happy to be depressed," I groan.

My doorknob turns, but the door doesn't open due to it being locked. Seconds later, a loud knock sounds.

I groan and go to answer the door. An annoyed looking Avery greets me with his oh-so-friendly scowl.

"Jace, I have to call you back," I sigh.

"Okay. Don't let the rainbows get to you," he jokes.

"I'll try. Bye Jace," I reply, before hanging up and slipping the phone in my pocket.

"What?" I ask, an annoyed look plastered across my face.

"Claire wanted me to tell you it's time for dinner," he states, his voice void of emotion. "You might want to change first though."

I realize how ridiculous I must look in my oversized shorts and almost skin tight shirt, my hair piled in a messy bun on my head.

"Fine- I'll be down in a minute," I huff, slamming my door shut.

I rifle through my suitcase, pulling out a pair of jeans and a black cami tank, slipping them on quickly.

When I reopen my door, Avery is still standing there, his arms crossed over his chest.

I know I should be annoyed at the fact he's treating me like a child by waiting here- as if I can't find the dining room- but I'm not.

Instead, I'm noticing how his shirt fits just right, clinging to his arms in a way that shows off his sculpted muscles.

"Are you done?" he questions, smirking.

My eyes snap up and my cheeks flush red. I decide to pretend I don't know what she's talking about.

"What?" I squeak.

He just continues to smirk at me, before turning to walk down the hallway.

I follow, staying a few steps behind until my blushing subsides.

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