Chapter 22

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Ivy and I walked back to the house together after I untacked Diesel and put him back in his stall. In fact, we spent most of the day together after that point.

When I got back, it was almost time for lunch, so we went inside and waited to see what Claire had cooked up- it turned out to be hamburgers and fries. Lucky for me, Avery was no where to be found, so I didn't have to deal with that just yet.

After lunch, I decided to attempt to bathe Trigger, and Ivy willingly helped me with. Although he did try to kick me- twice- we got the job done, and his coat is beautiful and shiny. I feel like I've started to make some real progress with him- after all, the first time I tried to get him out of his stall I almost gave myself a concussion. Now he lets me groom him with little to no trouble.

Laurel, Piper, Ivy and I hung out for about an hour when Trig was put away, just talking about random things, like how annoying Jesse's constant flirting was, or how Avery always looks like he's just eaten something really sour.

Which, is very true.

Then, everyone went on the evening trailride, except for Avery who was absent, again.

Ivy even made a comment about it to Claire, who told us he went into town to hang out with a friend or something along those lines, but that he'd be back for dinner.

The entire trail ride, Ivy and I talked about what had gone on with us in the past few days. I told her how Jace had gotten in a fight, though I left out the reasons. She told me that her best friend back home was going on vacation this week so she couldn't call until next Tuesday.

I guess fighting with her and ultimately making up brought us closer together. At this point, I can probably say she's my closest friend here. Her and Laurel, at least.

By the time we get to dinner, I'm in an infinitely better mood than I was this morning. That is, until I see Avery sitting there with a very sour expression on his face. I notice he looks a bit shocked when Ivy and I enter the room, our arms linked together, but I decide not to care. I decide I won't let him ruin my mood.

Why should he? It wasn't even his fault that we fought. I was being a bitch.

I'll apologize later, when I'm ready. But for now, I'll just hang out with the girls and not let our fight pop my tiny but existent bubble of happiness.

"So, Claire, what's for dinner?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll just have to wait and see," she laughs lightly, leaving the room to go head out to the kitchen and grab the food.

"Hey Grace," Ivy whispers, nudging me in the side.

"What?" I reply, my voice equally quiet.

"Why is Avery staring at you like that?" she asks, glancing over at him. I turn to look at him and notice he is in fact staring at me.

Normally I'd just look away. But, I'm in a fairly good mood right now.

So instead, I slap on a sarcastically excited expression and wave at him, before turning back to Ivy and trying my hardest to suppress laughter.

I fail.

"Okay, now you have succeeded in taunting him while failing to answer my question," Ivy states once my laughter subsides.

"Not here," I say, my voice hushed. "I'll explain it later, okay?"

She nods, but doesn't have time to respond because Claire bursts into the room, a large tray of piping hot, baked macaroni and cheese in her hands. My mouth instantly starts to water when the smell reaches my nostrils.

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