Chapter 41

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"This ride's going to be relatively laid back and short, as it looks like it might rain," Claire says, smiling back at us all.

We're already partnered up, and ready to go. 

Trigger and I are beside Jace and Diesel, and everything else is a bit of a blur. The only other pair I'm aware of is Tessa and Avery. I frown slightly at the thought, knowing that they still haven't talked yet. 

"This feels so weird," Jace says, wriggling nervously in the saddle.

"You'll get used to it. I hated it at first. At least you have a better attitude than I did," I admit, giving him a half smile. 

We all start down the path, turning on the right leg of the trail. I smile, knowing that it will lead us through the trees, across a small, shallow creek, and back around over a slightly hilly area that leads back to the house. It's a small loop with multiple turns you could take to extend the ride, but I assume we won't be taking any, because I agree with Claire. It does look like it will rain. 

I notice Jace looking at me observantly.

"What?" I ask.

"You've changed," he says. 

"What do you mean?"

"I can't put my finger on it, exactly. You just seem- happier," he says. "Glowing, even."

I focus my gaze on Avery, who is about two horses ahead of me. Jace follows my gaze.

He chuckles. "So that's why? I'm sure your parents will be please to know that it is not the expensive horse program that helped you, but fooling around with the director's son."

He laughs again, and I can't help but join him. 

"To hell with them," I say. "They just wanted me out of their hair. They don't really care if I get better. You know they haven't called me once?" 

For some reason, my saying this out loud causes me to laugh even harder. Jace joins in, and before I know it, everyone is looking at us with confused expressions on their faces.

"Grace and Jace," Claire says sternly. "This is supposed to be a relaxing group activity."

"I'm sorry," I meekly reply, stifling my laughter.

Once everyone goes back to focusing on the ride, Jace and I exchange a glance. It takes all of my self control to abstain from bursting out laughing again. 


When we get back from the ride, I go up to my room to find some clean clothes and shower. I settle on a pair of black sweats and a light blue top with spaghetti straps.

I'm about to leave my room when my phone goes off. I frown, as no one but Jace normally calls me. 

My breath hitches when I see the name on my screen.

Chey Home 

I slowly slide my finger across the screen, and place the phone to my ear. 

"Hello," I say, my voice shaky.


I instantly recognize the voice as Chey's mom.

"Mrs. Parker?"

She exhales slowly.

"Yeah, its me."

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," she says. I can hear the sadness in her voice, and I imagine her tearful eyes in my head.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you calling me?" I ask.

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