Chapter 24

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When I wake up, my body aches from fatigue. I almost curse getting up last night.

Except I don't.

Because when I wake up, there's a huge smile plastered on my face.

I rode Trigger last night. Trigger, the crazy horse. Trigger, the horse whom I was terrified of when I got here.

So, despite the ache I feel all over, I climb out of bed with a smile on my face.

I tug on a pair of short shorts, a tank that says 'Stop Taking Selfies' and a pair of black converse.

I take a peek at myself in the mirror and smile, before finding my makeup bag and applying a light, natural looking layer.

When I'm done, I leave my room and head out towards the dining room.

I must have slept in a little because everybody already has their food and everything when I get there. Today, we're having waffles.

I fix myself a plate and go to sit between Ivy and Laurel.

"Good morning," I yawn, rubbing my eyes a little.

"Morning," Laurel pipes.

"Did someone stay up too late?" Ivy chuckles, raising an eyebrow.

"What? No," I defend.

"Relax Grace," she laughs. "I got up to get water last night, and I saw you sneaking out. No big deal, I'm not going to tell on you."

I glance down the table to see if anyone is listening. Everyone is focused on their food, so I take a deep breath and turn to back Ivy and Laurel.

"Okay fine. I got up to work with Trigger," I whisper.

I decide not to tell them yet that I rode him, that I want to surprise everyone one day. Not today though. I still need to work with him a little more.

"Alone? Are you crazy? That horse is dangerous, he could hurt you," Laurel warns, jumping in her seat.

"Calm down you guys. I'll tell you all about it later but I don't want anyone to hear. So pipe down," I snap.

They reluctantly agree, settling the matter. For now, at least.


I've just finished mucking a stall when my phone starts to ring in my pocket. I quickly whip it out and answer



I smile, instantly recognizing the voice.

"Hey Jace. What's going on?"

"I haven't heard from you in a few days and I wanted to know how you're doing," he nonchalantly says.

A lot has gone on in the past few days. Should I tell him about it all? Or should I just keep it to myself.

Probably best to keep him in the dark. He'll just worry.

There is one thing if like to tell him, though.

"Well, I rode Trigger last night," I boast, mentally adding 'right after having a mental breakdown.'

"Really? The crazy horse?" he asks in disbelief.

"Yup. I did it all by myself, too," I laugh.

"Avery wasn't there?"

"We sort of had a falling out," I sigh, heading out of the barn and towards the pasture fence. I climb up and sit on it.

"What? Why?"

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