Chapter 10

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I had plans this summer. Important plans.

Plans to sit on the couch and do nothing, but plans nonetheless.

So then why am I sitting on an airplane taking me to the Virginia?


8 Hours Earlier

"Please don't do this to me- please please PLEASE," I beg in hysterics as my mom instructs Hilda, our maid, what to put in my suitcase

"For the umpteenth time, we are doing this for your own good. One day you'll understand Grace. We love you and want what's best for you," she sighs.

"Oh really- I thought you just wanted to make me less pathetic."

Her brow furrows. "Why would you think that."

"I heard you talking to Dr. Farrow a few weeks ago. You told her I was pathetic," I explain.

"I never said that- you must have misheard," she definitively states.

"Ah- your years as a lawyer have served you well. You're a good liar- but so am I. And good liars can tell when others are lying," I state, tapping my finger to my temple.

I turn out of my bedroom and head downstairs, just as the doorbell rings. I go to answer it.

"Hey Jace," I meekly say when I see him.

"You're really going to leave?" he asks, disappointed.

"I don't really have a choice," I sigh, stepping outside with him and closing the door. "I have to leave for the airport in ten minutes."

He nods, and smiles at me, grabbing my hand.

"I got you something-" he states uneasily, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a red velvet box and pulls it out, handing it to me.

"Jace, you didn't have t-" my voice stops once I open it. It's a small, silver locket shaped like a heart. Inside is a picture of Chey- it's fairly recent. We took it at the beach.

We had both been so proud of ourselves because we'd been clean for three weeks. We went to the beach and just hung put all day, wading in the waves and laying out in the sun. Before we left, I took this picture of her.the sunset lights the sky in the background, and her hair is slightly disheveled- but she looks gorgeous like she always does. She's smiling widely, a true, genuine smile. She was happy.

I don't know there are tears in my eyes till Jace wipes them away.

"If you don't like it I can-"

"Can you put it on for me?" I ask, looking up at him. He smiles, relieved, and nods, taking the necklace from my hands.

I pull my hair up so he can clip it on, turning around once he's done.

"Thank you Jace- it's so beautiful," I sniffle.

Now this scene might look romantic, but I swear it's not. Jace and I are really close, but not in that way. He's still hung up on Chey and I don't think I can feel that way about anyone right now.

We've talked about it, because I don't want to lead him on and vise versa.

We're friends- close friends.

"Grace, we have to go!' Mom calls, pulling us out of out moment.

I groan, and wrap my arms around Jace.

"God, I'm going to go crazy without you this summer," I sigh.

"Me too. Make sure to call me," he orders halfheartedly.

I pull away and nod. "I will."

"Grace hurry up!" Mom shouts.

I frown and look up at Jace.

"Bye," I say quietly.

"See you in August."

"I'm already counting the days," I chuckle, turning to go back in the house.


"The plane is descending for landing. Please stay seated at this time."

I flutter my eyes open, and groan inwardly.

My hand goes up to the locket around my neck, making me smile.

I sit impatiently, waiting for the plane to land. Which it does after a while.

I rush to get my luggage, not wanting to spend any more time than necessary in this airport. Airports give me the creeps.

My neon blue bag isn't hard to spot, so I grab it off the conveyor belt and walk towards the area where I'm supposed to meet a woman named Claire. She owns the ranch I'm supposed to be staying at.

I have no idea what she looks like, so I just stand there like a deer in headlights.

"Hello? Are you Grace Adams?"

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I whirl around.

"Yes," I say, unsure of myself.

"I'm Claire- that was a long flight, you must be starving," she states. She points at something. "There's a food court over there, what would you like?"

I open my mouth to object, when I realize I AM hungry.

"Um- I don't know, I'll see what they have," I softly reply.

I look her over- she has red hair with a grey streak or two in it, most likely from stress rather than old age because she looks fairly young. Her skin is clear, and her appearance neat- not what I was expecting from someone who lived on a ranch. Honestly, I was expecting a hillbilly with mismatched shoes and overalls, but that's just me.

"Whatever you want dear."


I feel awful for not updated. Bad me *slaps self*

So I hope you liked the chapter. Even though I'm not going to make them date because it doesn't fit with the story, I kind of ship Jace and Grace. They are so cute! (But seriously they won't be dating lol)

So I'm going horseback riding today and I haven't gone in 7 weeks!!! so happy!!!!

Oh and my favorite restaurant (a Chinese place we order delivery from) closed a few weeks ago so they could go an a family vacation and it reopened yesterday and we are ordering from there tonight!

I'm in such a good mood today! got to go change into riding clothes!

Have a fantabulous day my lovelies!

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