Demon Hound

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I only got 2 name suggestions in time, both from fanfic4life2 so they win!

Undertaker's P.O.V

I watched as the pup changed into her human form.
Female demon hounds have smaller wolves than males and when in human form they still have ears and a tail.

"I-I'm sorry mr. Reaper. I was just looking for a home." In front of me sat a girl, no older than 5, wearing a short black dress. She had grey ears and a tail, yet looked so innocent.

"Why would you need a home? Where are your parents?" She looked so vulnerable I couldn't help but be nice to her.

"H-Hunters killed my mommy and I don't know where my daddy is. Me and me and my brother got away but he was killed by another hunter." She started crying and I hugged her.

"It's ok. Calm down. You can stay here but you can't hurt Y/N ok?" She nodded her head and smiled.

"I'll protect her with my life!" I chuckled and helped her down.

"What's your name?" I asked softly whilst playing with her beautiful brown hair.

"I can't remember. But that nice lady said she'd give me a new name!" She giggled slightly and I smiled.


My dad wasn't in so I just said hi to my mom before going back to the shop. I told her that I would probably be staying over again tonight and she just nodded her head and waved me off.
I walked back to the parlour, getting the horrible feeling that I was being watched, it stopped as soon as I saw Adrian... playing with a little girl? THAT SOUNDED WAY TOO CREEPY!

"Hey, who's this?" I gasped as soon as I saw little grey ears. I walked around so I could see her face and my jaw dropped. She had the same eyes as my little puppy.

"Y/N, this is... well she can't remember her name. She's the pup we bought, she's a demon Hound." I smiled at her and she hugged me.

"Hello Alpha!" She hugged me and I tilted my head in confusion.

"You chose her to be part of your family and now she thinks of you as her leader, an alpha female." Adrian chuckled. 

"You don't have a name huh? How about Lunaris? I think it suits you." She giggled slightly.
I wanted to ask about her family but didn't want to upset her.

"I'm going out for a little while. I'm going to see if there are any hunters are around or if any more demon hounds are on the loose." Adrian smiled as he left and I looked at the little girl next to me.
She told me everything about herself, including her family and by the end of it all I was in tears.

"So, you're only 5?" She nodded her head and I wiped away the last of my tears.
"Well 5 year olds gotta eat!" We both ran into the kitchen and began making sandwiches and some cookies.

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